Potts(1905-1910) 7940
7940. In Egypt. That this signifies when in the vicinity of the evil, is evident from the signification of "the Egyptians," as being the evil who had infested those who were of the spiritual church (of which frequently above); consequently by "Egypt" is signified the state or place where they were. That they were in their vicinity is plain, because they were in the land of Goshen. To know how the case herein is, see what was said above (n. 7932a).
Elliott(1983-1999) 7940
7940. 'In Egypt' means when in close proximity to the evil. This is clear from the meaning of 'the Egyptians' as the evil who molested those belonging to the spiritual Church, dealt with often; and from this 'Egypt' means the state or place where they were. They were plainly in close proximity, for they were in the land of Goshen. To know the nature of these matters, see what has been stated above in 7932.
Latin(1748-1756) 7940
7940. `In Aegypto': quod significet cum in propinquitate ad malos, constat ex significatione `Aegyptiorum' quod sint mali qui infestarunt illos qui ab Ecclesia spirituali, de qua saepius; inde per `Aegyptum' significatur status seu locus ubi illi; quod in propinquitate, patet, quia in terra Goschen {1}; ut sciatur quomodo haec se habent, videantur (x)quae supra n. 7932 dicta sunt. @1 i in Aegypto; haec propinquitas est, quae significatur$