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《新教会教义纲要》 第104节

(道宏、一滴水译本 2022)


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A Brief Exposition of New Church Doctrine (Stanley translation 1953) 104

104. The same would happen if anyone embraced the faith of the New Church and retained the faith of the old Church concerning the imputation of the Lord's righteousness and merit for from this, as from a root, have sprung all the dogmas of the former Church, like so many young shoots. If this were to happen, it would be comparatively as if one should extricate himself from three heads of the dragon and become entangled in its four remaining ones; or as if one should fly from a leopard and meet with a lion; or as if one should come out of a pit where there is no water and fall into a pit full of water and be drowned. That this is so will be seen after the exposition of the following article where something will be advanced concerning imputation.

A Brief Exposition of New Church Doctrine (Whitehead translation 1892) 104

104. The like would happen if anyone should embrace the faith of the New Church, and retain the faith of the old church concerning the imputation of the justice or merit of the Lord; for from this, as from their root, all its dogmas, like so many offshoots, have sprung forth. If this should be the case, it would comparatively be like anyone extricating himself from three heads of the dragon, and becoming entangled in his four remaining ones; or like one who fled from a leopard, and met a lion; or like one escaping out of a pit where there is no water, and falling into a pit full of water, and being drowned. That this is the case, will be seen after the exposition of the following proposition, where something will be advanced concerning imputation.

Summaria Expositio 104 (original Latin 1769)

104. Simile eveniret, si quis amplecteretur Fidem Novae Ecclesiae, ac Fidem veteris Ecclesiae de Imputatione justitiae seu meriti Domini retineret; et hac enim ut Radice omnia ejus dogmata, ut propagines exsurrexerunt. Si hoc fieret, comparative foret, sicut quis se eriperet ex tribus capitibus Draconis, ac intricaretur quatuor reliquis ejus; aut sicut quis fugeret pardum et incideret in leonem; aut sicut exiens e fovea ubi non aqua, caderet in foveam ubi aqua qua submergeretur. Quod ita sit, videbitur post sequentis Lemmatis expositionem, ubi aliquid de Imputatione proferetur.

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