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《新教会教义纲要》 第18节

(道宏、一滴水译本 2022)


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A Brief Exposition of New Church Doctrine (Stanley translation 1953) 18


The Churches which separated themselves at the Reformation from the Roman Catholic Church are composed of those who call themselves Evangelicals and Reformed, likewise Protestants or, from their leaders, Lutherans and Calvinists. Among these the Church of England holds a middle place. We shall say nothing here concerning the Greek Church which was separated long ago from the Roman Catholic Church.

That the Protestant Churches dissent in various points, particularly concerning the Holy Supper, Baptism, Election, and the Person of Christ, is well known to many people, but it is not generally known that they all agree on the Articles concerning a Trinity of Persons in the Godhead, Original Sin, the Imputation of Christ's Merit, and Justification by Faith Alone. This is because few people apply themselves to exploring the differences of the tenets maintained by the different Churches consequently, neither do they inquire into those points on which they agree. Only the clergy study the tenets of their Church; the laity rarely understand them interiorly, and so are unacquainted with their differences. Nevertheless, they agree on the four Articles above-mentioned, both as regards the general affirmation and as regards most of the particulars therein. This appears evident from their books, if they are consulted, and from their sermons, if they are heard. This, however, is premised for information on account of what follows.

A Brief Exposition of New Church Doctrine (Whitehead translation 1892) 18


The churches which by the Reformation separated themselves from the Roman Catholic Church, are from those who call themselves Evangelical and Reformed, likewise Protestants, or from the names of their leaders, Lutherans and Calvinists, among which the church of England holds the middle place. We shall say nothing here of the Greek church, which long ago separated from the Roman Catholic church. That the Protestant churches differ in various things, particularly concerning the Holy Supper, Baptism, election, and the Person of Christ, is known to many; but that they all agree in the articles of a Trinity of Persons in the Divinity, original sin, imputation of the merit of Christ, and justification by faith alone, is not universally known. The reason of this is, because few study into the differences of dogmas among the churches, and consequently the agreements. It is only the clergy that study the dogmas of their church, while the laity rarely enter deeply into them, and consequently into their differences. That nevertheless they agree in the four articles above mentioned, both in their general principles, and in most of the particulars, will appear evident to anyone if he will consult their books, or attend to their sermons. This, however, is premised and brought to the attention, on account of what follows.

Summaria Expositio 18 (original Latin 1769)


Ecclesiae per Reformationem ab Ecclesia Romano-Catholica separatae, sunt ex illis, qui se vocant Evangelicos et reformatos, simul Protestantes, vel ab Antesignanis Lutheranos et Calvinianos, inter quas Ecclesia Anglicana medium tenet: de Ecclesia Graeca, quae ab antiquo a Romano-Catholica separata fuit, hic non sermo est. Quod Ecclesiae Protestantium dissideant in variis, imprimis de Sacra Caena, Baptismo, Electione, et de Persona Christi, multis notum est; at quod omnes in Articulis de Trinitate personarum in Divinitate, de Peccato Originali, de Imputatione meriti Christi, et de Justificatione per solam fidem, conveniant, non universaliter notum est; causa est, quia pauci student indagandis discriminationibus dogmatum inter Ecclesias, et inde nec convenientiis: Clerici solum 1dogmatica suae Ecclesiae hauriunt, ac Laici raro illa quoad interiora, et inde nec quoad dissidentias. Quod tamen in quatuor illis Articulis in communibus et in plerisque particularibus conveniant, patescit ex Libris illorum si consuluntur, et ex Sermonibus si audiuntur. Sed hoc praemittitur ad notitiam propter sequentia.


1. solum pro folum

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