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《新教会教义纲要》 第24节

(道宏、一滴水译本 2022)


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A Brief Exposition of New Church Doctrine (Stanley translation 1953) 24

24. IV. Nevertheless, the leading Reformers adjoined Good Works, and even conjoined them, to their Faith, but in man as a passive subject; whereas the Roman Catholics did so in man as an active subject; and yet there is actually a conformity between the latter and the former as to Faith, Works and Merit.

A Brief Exposition of New Church Doctrine (Whitehead translation 1892) 24

24. IV. Nevertheless the leading reformers adjoined good works, and also conjoined them, to their faith, but in man as a passive subject: whereas the Roman Catholics conjoin them in man as an active subject; and that notwithstanding this, there is actually a conformity between the one and the other as to faith, works, and merits.

Summaria Expositio 24 (original Latin 1769)

24. IV. Quod tamen Reformatores Antesignani, fidei suae adjunxerint bona opera, et quoque conjunxerint illa, sed in homine ut in subjecto passivo, Romano-Catholici autem in homine ut in subjecto activo: et quod tamen inter hos et illos quoad fidem, opera et merita, actualiter sit conformitas.

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