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《新教会教义纲要》 第45节

(道宏、一滴水译本 2022)


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A Brief Exposition of New Church Doctrine (Stanley translation 1953) 45

45. IX. The Faith of the present day has separated religion from the Church: for religion consists in the acknowledgment of One God, and in the worship of Him from the Faith of Charity.

A Brief Exposition of New Church Doctrine (Whitehead translation 1892) 45

45. IX. The faith of the present day has separated religion from the church, since religion consists in the acknowledgment of One God, and in the worship of Him from the faith of charity.

Summaria Expositio 45 (original Latin 1769)

45. IX. Quod hodierna Fides ab Ecclesia separaverit Religionem, quae consistit in agnitione unius Dei, et in cultu Ipsius ex fide charitatis.

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