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《新教会教义纲要》 第49节

(道宏、一滴水译本 2022)


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A Brief Exposition of New Church Doctrine (Stanley translation 1953) 49

49. From this derivation of good works, it is evident that faith alone cannot possibly produce or beget any works which are called fruits, any more than a woman can produce of herself any offspring without the man. Wherefore, the expression "fruits of faith "is mere words, devoid of meaning. Besides, throughout the whole world nothing ever was or is produced save from a marriage union in which one part has relation to good and the other to truth; or, in the case of the opposite kind, one part has relation to evil, the other to what is false. Consequently, no works can be conceived, much less born, save from such a marriage union; good works from the marriage of good and truth, evil works from the marriage of evil and falsity.

A Brief Exposition of New Church Doctrine (Whitehead translation 1892) 49

49. From this generation of good works, it is evident, that faith alone cannot possibly produce or beget any works, that are called fruits, any more than a woman alone without a man can produce any offspring; wherefore the fruits of faith is an empty expression and word. Besides, in the whole world nothing ever was or can be produced, but from a marriage, one of which has relation to good, and the other to truth, or in the opposite sense, one to evil, and the other to falsity; consequently no works can be conceived, much less be born but from such marriage, good works from the marriage of good and truth, and evil works from the marriage of evil and falsity.

Summaria Expositio 49 (original Latin 1769)

49. Ex hac generatione bonorum operum patet, quod sola fides nullatenus possit producere aut parere aliqua opera quae vocantur fructus, prorsus sicut non sola faemina absque viro aliquas proles, quare fructus fidei est loquutio inanis et logos. Praeterea in universo Mundo nusquam aliquid productum est, nec producitur nisi ex conjugio, cujus unum se refert ad bonum, ac alterum ad verum aut in opposito, unum ad malum, ac alterum ad falsum, consequenter non aliqua opera possunt concipi minus nasci, nisi ex illorum conjugio, Bona opera ex conjugio boni et veri, ac Mala opera ex conjugio mali et falsi.

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