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《新教会教义纲要》 第60节

(道宏、一滴水译本 2022)


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A Brief Exposition of New Church Doctrine (Stanley translation 1953) 60

60. XIV. The doctrine of the Faith of the present Church ascribes to God human properties, as that He viewed man from anger, that He required to be reconciled, that He is reconciled through His love to the Son and by intercession, that He required to be appeased by the sight of His Son's misery, and thus to be brought back to mercy, that He imputes the righteousness of His Son to the unrighteous man who supplicates it from faith alone; and that thus from being an enemy He makes him into a friend, and from a son of wrath into a son of grace.

A Brief Exposition of New Church Doctrine (Whitehead translation 1892) 60

60. XIV. The doctrine of the faith of the present church ascribes to God human properties; as, that He regards man from anger, that He wished to be reconciled, that He is reconciled through the love He bore toward the Son, and by His intercession; and that He wished to be appeased by the sight of His Son's sufferings, and thus to be brought back to mercy; and that He imputes the justice of His Son to an unjust man who supplicates it from faith alone; and that thus from an enemy He makes him a friend, and from a child of wrath, a child of grace.

Summaria Expositio 60 (original Latin 1769)

60. XIV. Quod Doctrina fidei hodiernae Ecclesiae addicet Deo Proprietates humanas, ut quod homines aspexerit ex ira, quod velit reconciliari, quod reconcilietur per amorem in Filium, et per intercessionem; et quod velit propitiari per miseriam visam in Filio, et sic reduci in Misericordiam; et quod supplicanti ex sola fide injusto imputet justitiam Ipsius, et quod sic faciat hunc ab inimico amicum, et ex filio irae filium gratiae.

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