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《新教会教义纲要》 第64节

(道宏、一滴水译本 2022)


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A Brief Exposition of New Church Doctrine (Stanley translation 1953) 64

64. XV. From the Faith of the present Church monstrous births have been produced, and may still be produced, such as, Instantaneous Salvation from Direct Mercy, Predestination, the notion that God does not attend to man's actions, but only to Faith, that there is no bond between Charity and Faith, that in conversion man is as a stock, with many other such enormities likewise concerning the Sacraments of Baptism and the Holy Supper, as to the principles of reason drawn from the doctrine of Justification by Faith Alone respecting the benefits they confer also as regards the Person of Christ. The heresies from the first period to the present day have flowed from no other source than the doctrine founded upon the idea of three Gods.

A Brief Exposition of New Church Doctrine (Whitehead translation 1892) 64

64. XV. From the faith of the present church have been produced, and still may be produced, monstrous births; such as instantaneous salvation from immediate mercy; predestination; the notion that God pays no attention to the actions of man, but to faith alone; that there is no connection between charity and faith; that man in conversion is like a stock, with many more heresies of the same kind; likewise concerning the Sacraments of Baptism and the Holy Supper, as to the advantages reasonably to be expected from them, when considered according to the doctrine of justification by faith alone; as also with regard to the Person of Christ. The heresies from the first ages to the present day, have sprung up from no other source than from the doctrine founded on the idea of three Gods.

Summaria Expositio 64 (original Latin 1769)

64. XV. Quod ex Fide hodiernae Ecclesiae enati sint et adhuc enasci possint Foetus enormes; sicut Momentanea Salvatio ex immediata Misericordia; Praedestinatio; nulla attentio Dei ad actus hominis, sed ad solam fidem; quod non detur Vinculum charitatis et fidei; quod homo in conversione sit sicut truncus; praeter plura; etiam de Sacramentis, Baptismo et Sacra Coena, quoad principia rationis de usufructu illorum educta ex Doctrina justificationis per solam fidem; ut et de Persona Christi. Haeretica a Primis saeculis ad hodiernum 1non aliunde quam ex Doctrina super idea trium Deorum fundata scaturiverunt.


1. hodiernum pro hodienum.

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