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《新教会教义纲要》 第7节

(道宏、一滴水译本 2022)


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A Brief Exposition of New Church Doctrine (Stanley translation 1953) 7

7. The Doctrinals of the Roman Catholics concerning Justification, collected from the Decrees of the Council of Trent, may be summed up and arranged in a Series, as follows:

The sin of Adam is transfused into the whole human race, whereupon his state and from him the state of all men became perverted and alienated from God, and thus they became enemies and children of wrath. Therefore, God the Father graciously sent His Son to reconcile, expiate, propitiate, make satisfaction, and thus to redeem (mankind), and that by these works He became righteousness. Christ accomplished and fulfilled all this by offering up Himself upon the cross as a sacrifice to God the Father, thus by His passion and His blood. Christ alone has acquired merit, and this, His merit, from grace, is imputed, attributed, applied and transferred to the man who is a recipient thereof, by God the Father through the Holy Spirit; in this way the sin of Adam is removed from man, concupiscence, however, still remaining in him as the kindling point of sin.

Justification is the remission of sins, from which a renewal of the interior man takes place, whereby man, from being an enemy, becomes a friend, and from being a child of wrath becomes a child of grace; thus, union with Christ is effected, and the regenerate person becomes a living member of His body.

A Brief Exposition of New Church Doctrine (Whitehead translation 1892) 7

7. The Doctrinals of the Roman Catholics concerning Justification, collected from the Decrees of the Council of Trent may be summed up and arranged in a series thus. That the sin of Adam was transfused into the whole human race, whereby his state, and likewise the state of all men, became perverted, and alienated from God, and thus they were made enemies and sons of wrath; that therefore God the Father graciously sent His Son to reconcile, expiate, atone, satisfy, and thus redeem, and this by His being made justice. That Christ accomplished and fulfilled all this, by offering up Himself a sacrifice to God the Father upon the wood of the cross, thus by His passion and blood. That Christ alone has merited, and that this His merit is graciously imputed, attributed, applied, and transferred to the man who is recipient thereof, by God the Father through the Holy Spirit; and that thus the sin of Adam is removed from man; lust, however, still remaining in him as an incentive to sin. That justification is the remission of sins, and that from thence a renovation of the interior man takes place, whereby man from an enemy becomes a friend, and from being a son of wrath, a son of grace; and that thus union with Christ is effected, and being reborn he becomes a living member in His body.

Summaria Expositio 7 (original Latin 1769)

7. DOCTRINALIA ROMANO-CATHOLICORUM DE JUSTIFICATIONE, COLLECTA EX DECRETIS SYNODI TRIDENTINAE, IN SUMMA ET SERIE SUNT TALIA. Quod peccatum Adami transfusum sit in totum Genus humanum, ex quo status ejus, et ab illo omnium hominum, perversus factus est, et abalienatus a Deo, et sic facti sunt inimici et filii irae: quod ideo Deus Pater ex gratia miserit Filium suum, ut reconciliaret, expiaret, propitiaret, satisfaceret, et sic redimeret, et haec per quod fieret Justitia. Quod Christus hoc peregerit et impleverit, per quod obtulerit Se Deo Patri Sacrificium super ligno crucis; ita per suam passionem et suum sanguinem. Quod Christus Solus meruerit, et quod hoc Ipsius Meritum a Deo Patre per Spiritum Sanctum, ex gratia, homini recipienti imputetur, tribuatur, applicetur, et in illum transferatur; et quod ab homine sic removeatur peccatum Adami, remanente usque concupiscentia ut fomite ad peccandum. Quod Justificatio sit remissio peccatorum, et quod inde fiat innovatio interioris hominis, unde homo ab inimico fit amicus, et a filio irae filius gratiae: et quod sic fiat unio cum Christo, et renatus membrum vivum in Corpore Ipsius.

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