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《新教会教义纲要》 第81节

(道宏、一滴水译本 2022)


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A Brief Exposition of New Church Doctrine (Stanley translation 1953) 81

81. It is astonishing that the doctrine of justification by faith alone prevails at this day throughout the whole of Reformed Christianity that is, it reigns there as almost the one and only point of theology in the sacred Order. This is what all students for the ministry eagerly learn and imbibe at the colleges, and afterwards teach in the Churches, and publish in print, as if they were inspired with heavenly wisdom. In so doing they seek to acquire the reputation of superior learning and an honourable name. Because of this they are given diplomas, licences to preach, and rewards. These things are done, although it is owing to this doctrine alone that the sun at this day is darkened, the moon deprived of her light, and the stars have fallen from heaven, that is, have perished. It has been made clear to me that the doctrine of the faith of imputed righteousness has so blinded the minds of men in this age that they do not wish to, and therefore are as if they cannot, see any divine truth in the light of the sun, or in the light of the moon, but only in the light of a fire by night. Wherefore I can predict that if divine truths concerning the union of charity and faith, concerning heaven, the Lord and eternal happiness, were sent down from heaven, written in letters of silver, they would not be thought worthy to be read by these upholders of justification by faith alone. It would be quite otherwise if a paper concerning justification by faith alone were sent to them from hell. It is also said in the Formula Concordiae that the article concerning justification by faith alone, or concerning the righteousness of faith, is the chief article in the whole Christian doctrine, and that works of the Law are to be utterly excluded from this article; pages 17, 61-62, 72, 89, 683, and Appendix, page 164.

A Brief Exposition of New Church Doctrine (Whitehead translation 1892) 81

81. It is wonderful, that the doctrine of justification by faith alone prevails at this day over every other doctrine throughout the whole Reformed Christian world, and is esteemed in the sacred order almost as the only important point of theology. This is what all young students among the clergy greedily learn and imbibe at the universities, and what they afterwards teach in temples, and publish in books, as if they were inspired with heavenly wisdom, and whereby they endeavor to acquire to themselves a name, and the reputation of superior learning, as well as diplomas, licenses, and other honorary rewards.

And these things are done, notwithstanding it is owing to this doctrine alone, that the sun is at this day darkened, the moon deprived of her light, and the stars of the heavens have fallen, that is, have perished. It has been testified to me, that the doctrine of faith in imputed justice has blinded the minds of men at this day to such a degree, that they will not, and therefore as it were cannot, see any Divine truth by the light of the sun, nor by the light of the moon, but only by the light of a fireplace by night; on which account I will venture to assert, that supposing Divine truths concerning the conjunction of charity and faith, concerning heaven, the Lord, and eternal happiness, to be sent down from heaven engraven in silver characters, they would not be thought worthy to be read by the sticklers for justification; but the case would be quite otherwise supposing a paper concerning justification by faith alone to be brought up from hell. It is also said in the Formula Concordiae, that the article of justification by faith alone, or the justice of faith, is the chief article in the whole Christian doctrine; and that the works of the law are utterly to be excluded from this article (pp. 17, 61, 62, 72, 89, 683; Appendix, p. 164).

Summaria Expositio 81 (original Latin 1769)

81. Mirabile est, quod Doctrina Justificationis per solam fidem, hodie in toto Christiano Reformato orbe omne punctum ferat, hoc est, illa ibi paene ut unicum Theologicum in Ordine sacro regnet; illa est, quam omnes Novitii e Clero in Gymnasiis avide addiscunt, et hauriunt, et postea sicut inspirati Caelesti Sapientia in Templis docent, libris vulgant, et per quam superioris eruditionis famam et nominis gloriam sectantur, et quoque propter quam diplomata, auctoramenta, et praemia donantur: et haec fiunt, tametsi per illam solam Doctrinam hodie obscuratus est Sol, lumine suo orbata est Luna, ac Stellae caelorum deciderunt, hoc est, perierunt: quod Doctrina fidei imputativae justitiae hodie occaecaverit mentes in tantum, ut non velint, et inde quasi non possint videre aliquod Divinum Verum in luce Solis, nec in luce Lunae, sed solum in luce foci noctu, testatum mihi factum est; quare possum vaticinari, quod si Divina Vera de Conjunctione charitatis et fidei, de Caelo, de Domino, de Felicitate aeterna inde, argenteis literis exarata e caelo demitterentur, a Justificatariis non lectu digna censerentur; at prorsus aliter si charta de Justificatione per solam fidem, ab inferis exportaretur. Legitur etiam in FORMULA CONCORDIAE, Quod Articulus de Justificatione per solam fidem seu de Justitia fidei, praecipuus sit in tota Doctrina Christiana: et quod Opera legis ex hoc Articulo prorsus excludenda sint, p. 17, 61, 62, 72, 89, 683, Append. p. 164.

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