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《新教会教义纲要》 第92节

(道宏、一滴水译本 2022)


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A Brief Exposition of New Church Doctrine (Stanley translation 1953) 92


By shortening those days is meant putting an end to the present Church and establishing a new one; for, as was said above, the 24th chapter of Matthew treats of the successive periods of decline and perversion of the Christian Church, even to its consummation and end, and of the advent of the Lord at that time. The reason no flesh could be saved unless those days were shortened is that the faith of the present Church is founded on the idea of three Gods, and no one having this idea can enter heaven; so neither can they with that faith, for that idea is in every single part of it. Moreover, in that faith there is no life from works of charity. That this faith cannot be united with charity and produce any fruits which are good works, was shown above, 47-50.

There are two things which establish heaven in man, the truths of faith and the goods of charity. Truths of faith bring about the presence of the Lord and show the way to heaven, whilst goods of charity effect conjunction with the Lord and introduce into heaven; and everyone who is introduced is in light there according to his affection for truth, and in heat according to his affection for good. That the affection for truth is faith in its own essence, and the affection for good is charity in its own essence, and that the marriage of these constitutes the Church, may be seen above,48. The Church and heaven make one. That these three are not in the Churches at this day, which are built upon faith alone, has been fully shown in the preceding pages.

A Brief Exposition of New Church Doctrine (Whitehead translation 1892) 92


By "shortening those days," is meant the putting an end to the present church, and establishing the New Church; for, as has been said above, in Matthew 24, it treats of the successive decline and the perversions of the Christian church, even to the consummation and end thereof, and then of the coming of the Lord. The reason why no flesh could be saved, unless those days should be shortened, is because the faith of the present church is founded on the idea of three Gods, and with this idea no one can enter heaven; consequently no one can enter heaven with the faith of the present church, because the idea of three Gods is in all and every part thereof; and besides, in that faith there is no life from the works of charity. That the faith of the present church cannot be conjoined with charity, and produce any fruits which are good works, was shown above (n. 47-50). There are two things which form heaven in man, namely, the truths of faith and the goods of charity; the truths of faith effect the presence of the Lord, and show the way to heaven, and the goods of charity effect conjunction with the Lord, and introduce into heaven. And everyone is there introduced into light according to his affection of truth, and into heat according to his affection of good. That the affection of truth is faith in its essence, and the affection of good charity in its essence, and that the marriage of them both constitutes the church, may be seen above (n. 48). The church and heaven make one. That these three are not in the churches of the present day, which are built upon faith alone, has been fully shown in the preceding pages.

Summaria Expositio 92 (original Latin 1769)


Per abbreviare dies illos, intelligitur finem imponere Ecclesiae hodiernae, et Novam instaurare; nam, ut supra dictum est, in Cap. 24 apud Matthaeum de successivis declinationibus et perversionibus Ecclesiae Christianae, usque ad Consummationem et finem ejus, et de Adventu Domini tunc, agitur: quod nisi dies illi abbreviarentur, nulla caro salvari 1posset, est quia fides hodiernae Ecclesiae super idea trium Deorum fundata est, et cum hac idea nemo potest intrare Caelum; proinde nec cum illa fide, quia in omnibus et singulis ejus est illa idea; ac praeterea isti fidei nihil vitae ex operibus charitatis inest; quod illa fides nec possit cum charitate conjungi, ac producere aliquos fructus qui sunt bona opera, supra n. 47-50, ostensum est. Sunt duo quae condunt Caelum in homine, Vera fidei et Bona charitatis; Vera fidei faciunt praesentiam Domini, ac monstrant viam ad Caelum, et Bona charitatis faciunt conjunctionem cum Domino, ac introducunt in Caelum; ac quisque introductus est in Luce ibi secundum affectionem veri, et in calore ibi secundum affectionem boni; quod affectio veri sit fides in sua essentia, et quod affectio boni sit charitas in sua essentia, et quod conjugium illarum sit Ecclesia, videatur supra n. 48; Ecclesia et Caelum unum faciunt. Quod illa tria hodie in Ecclesiis super sola fide aedificatis non sint, in praecedentibus plene ostensum est.


1. salvari pro salivari.

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