1650. After this, they spoke still more uninterruptedly, so that the words were hardly noticeable. For it was like one panoramic mental image, although words were fashioned from it by me, but in such a way that they were not paid any notice. It was just like when a person, without any reflection upon the words, is only attending to the meaning, then the words seem not to exist. In this case, even though it was similar, still there was this difference, that it seemed to me as if the words disappeared and the speaking then went on by means of mental images alone. Yet it was more understandable than if words had been heard.
This language consisting of even more continuous mental images, being like one panoramic one, also moved the whole face, but started from the eyes, and then spread round about them. So this language was more inward than the previous one [1649]. They spoke also about this kind of language being in use with the people of their planet, that is, that they spoke thus with the better ones.
1650. They afterwards spoke still more continuously, so that the words were scarcely perceived, but there was, as it were, a continuous idea; and although words were thence formed by me, yet so that they were scarcely to be found, as in the case of a man who, without reflection upon the words, attends solely to the sense, when the words appear as if they were not. In the present instance, though the case was similar, yet there was this difference, that I could perceive the words disappear, as it were, and the discourse was thus continued by means of ideas alone, and yet more intelligibly than if the words had been heard. This kind of speech, consisting of ideas still more continuous, or, as it were, of one single continuous idea, moved also the whole face, but commenced from the eyes and thence extended round about; but it was a speech interior to the former. They spoke also concerning such a speech as being in use with the men of their earth, especially with the better portion of them.
1650. Postea loquebantur adhuc magis continue, sic ut voces vix perciperentur, sed erat quasi continua idea, tametsi inde a me formarentur voces, sed ita ut non attenderentur, sicut dum homo absque ulla reflexione vocum, solum attendit ad sensum, tunc apparent voces, tanquam non essent, hic tametsi similiter, usque cum differentia, quod perciperem voces quasi disparere, et sermo sic continuatus per solas ideas, usque intelligibilior, quam si auditae fuissent voces; haec loquela magis adhuc continuis ideis constans, seu sicut idea continua movebat quoque totam faciem, sed originem habebat ab oculis, et sic circumcirca; sic erat haec loquela interior priori. Loquebantur quoque de loquela tali cum suae telluris hominibus, nempe quod sic cum melioribus.