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《灵界经历》 第3684节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3684

3684. He was later told that he was like a dog, and is treated by others only as a dog because he was their medium, and this was confirmed by the deceitful ones overhead, i.e. that they could treat him like a dog. This made him indignant, because it went against his persuasion of his own authority and because he thought he ruled over others, and acted from his own power. So he was wound into a cloudy veil of authority, and let down. 1748, 25 Oct. That those who had led David in this way are those who claim themselves the most to be the holy spirit, see below on this page [3688-3692].

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3684

3684. It was afterwards said to him that he was like a dog, and was treated by others only as a dog, because he was their subject, which was confirmed by the deceitful above the head, who said that they could treat him as a dog. As this was contrary to his persuasion of authority, inasmuch as he imagined he had dominion over others, and thus acted from himself, he was filled with indignation; wherefore he was enveloped in a kind of cloudy veil of authority, and thus let down. 1748, October 25. That they who spoke thus to David were those who boast of being the Holy Spirit, see below on this page.

Experientiae Spirituales 3684 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3684. Postea ei dictum, quod sicut canis sit, et solum tractetur ab aliis sicut canis, quia eorum subjectum, quod confirmatum a dolosis supra caput, et quod tractare possent eum sicut canem, hoc cum esset contra ejus auctoritatis persuasionem, quia dominari se putabat aliis, sic ex se agere, indignatus, sic velo auctoritatis quasi nimboso involutus, et demissus. 1748, 25 Oct. Quod qui duxerunt ita Davidem sunt ii qui se maxime pro spiritu sancto venditant, vide infra hac pagina [3688-3692] .

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