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《灵界经历》 第3686节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3686

3686. So I spoke with the spirits, who confessed because of various experiences previously shown to me, that there are societies of them, that they see each other, converse together, dwell together, in the clearest light, as I have been shown many times before. But this is the case among good spirits and angels. It is different among the evil ones, who do not appear to each other except on certain occasions, about which I was also instructed.

So their life after death is in this respect most similar to their life in the body, that they are in societies, dwell and speak together and communicate ideas and states of happiness, and in fact that they speak more wisely than can ever be described, and with incalculably great happiness.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3686

3686. Wherefore I conversed with spirits [on this subject], and they confessed, from the various experiences previously accorded to me, that there are societies of them, that they see each other, that they converse together, that they dwell together, that they are in the clearest light, as has been often shown me before. But this takes place among good spirits and angels; among the evil it is otherwise, as they do not appear to each other, except on certain occasions, as to which also [I was instructed]. Consequently their life after death is in this respect extremely similar to their life in the body, that they see each other, that they are in societies, that they dwell together, speak together, that they communicate their ideas and their happinesses, and indeed they then speak more wisely than can ever be described, and with an indefinable feeling of enjoyment.

Experientiae Spirituales 3686 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3686. quare loquutus cum spiritibus, qui confessi, ex variis experientiis mihi prius ostensis, quod societates sint, quod se videant, inter se colloquantur, habitent simul, in summa luce, sicut quod multoties mihi prius ostensum est; hoc inter bonos spiritus et angelos; aliter inter malos, qui non apparent sibi nisi certis occasionibus, de quibus etiam: quare vita post mortem est in eo simillima vitae in corpore, quod se videant, quod in societatibus sint, habitent, loquantur, communicent ideas, et felicitates, et quidem quod loquantur sapientius, quam usquam describi queat, et cum indefinita felicitate.

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