3689. These are the spirits who rule the pope and inspire into him that [special] type of breathing [3662], inducing him to believe it is the holy spirit inspiring him, when it is they themselves. And they are the ones who more than any claim themselves to be the holy spirit, whereas they are the most wicked of all, as said. 1748, 25 Oct.
3689. These are they who rule the pope, and inspire into him such a peculiar respiration, and induce him to believe that it is the Holy Spirit that prompts him, while it is they themselves. They are those also who boast themselves above others as being the Holy Spirit, when yet, as was said, they are the most consummately wicked of all. - 1748, October 25.
3689. Ii sunt qui papam regunt, et inspirant ei talem respirationem [3662] inducunt credere, quod spiritus sanctus inspiret, cum ii sunt; quique prae aliis se pro spiritu sancto venditant, cum tamen omnium scelestissimi sunt, ut dictum. 1748, 25 Oct.