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《灵界经历》 第3738节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3738

3738. How outer elements portrayed inner ones

I spoke with a spirit while writing that the outer formalities of the Jewish Church had portrayed inner qualities, comparing them to an apple that was seen, within which innumerable elements lie hidden; and because the inward parts of the apple were displayed by means of symbolic mental imagery, the comparison continued, showing that the apple contains within it not only elements relating to taste, but also to smell, as well as fibers like those of the tree, then seed compartments enclosing the seeds, in which lies the marvelous power of raising up a new tree - and not only a single tree, but also countless more trees, enough to fill a whole planet, and this even to a kind of eternity, which is its innermost element.

So in the innermost part of the apples is portrayed the Infinite and eternal, thus the Lord, as also in all and the least things outside of the power of that seed, for all things down to the very least conspire each to its own eternity and as it were infinity. 1748, 27 Oct.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3738


I spoke with a spirit when writing [and saying] that the external things of the Jewish church represented internal, and that externals were to be compared to an apple that was seen, in which were stored up innumerable things; and because the interior things of the apple were exhibited by representative ideas, the comparison was continued, [showing] that the apple not only contained within itself the things of taste and of smell, but fibers similar to those of the tree, the receptacles of the seeds, the seeds, in which was the wonderful power of producing a new tree, and not only a single tree, but an innumerable succession of them, so that they could fill the whole earth, and that even to a kind of eternity. This being its inward property, the infinite and eternal is in this way represented by it, and thus the Lord: and thus also in the singulars exclusive of the potencies of the seed, for all and each of the things [of the apple] conspire to its eternity, and, as it were, to its infinity. - 1748, October 27.

Experientiae Spirituales 3738 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3738. Quomodo externa repraesentaverint interna

Loquutus cum spiritu, cum scriberem quod externa Ecclesiae Judaicae repraesentaverint interna, et comparata sunt externa pomo viso, in quo reconduntur innumerabilia, et quia sistebantur interiora pomi per ideas repraesentativas, continuabatur comparatio, quod pomum contineat intus in se non modo quae sunt gustus, tum quae sunt odoris, tum fibras arboris similes, tum seminum thecas, et semina, in quibus potentia mirifica novam arborem exsuscitandi, nec solum unam arborem, sed etiam innumerabiles, ut implere possent universum tellurem, et hoc usque in quandam aeternitatem, quod est intimum ejus, ita repraesentatur Infinitum et aeternum, in intimo pomi, proinde Dominus, ita in singulis quae extra seminis hujus potentiam sunt, nam omnia et singula conspirant ad ejus aeternitatem, et quasi infinitatem. 1748, 27 Oct.

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