3740. Spirits were surprised that when they said something they at once received a reply. It was then realized that the reply, thus the truth and good in a person's memory is aroused only by a general response that flows in from the Lord through heaven, so that unless there is an inflow from the Lord, no reply of truth or good would go out from the memory.
Upon realizing this to be an angelic idea that aroused [the response], it was granted me to reply that it was from them, and then to ask the angels whether it did not come from the Lord, because it came through them, and they inferred that this was the case, and that the general aura of the Lord through heaven likewise arouses truth and good lying in a person's memory, which responded to them. Hence also it is evident that all life is from the Lord. 1748, 27 Oct.
3740. Spirits wondered that when they spoke they immediately received a response. It was then perceived that the response [and] thus the true and the good, which was in the memory of man, was excited solely by the common [or general prompting] which flows from the Lord through heaven, so that unless there were influx from the Lord, no response of true and good would issue from the memory, and when it was manifestly perceived that it was an angelic idea which excited, it was given to reply that it was thence, and then to interrogate the angels whether, because it was through them, it was also from the Lord. They insinuated that such was the case, and moreover that the general sphere of the Lord [penetrating] through heaven, in like manner excited the true and the good in the memory of man, which was a response to them. Hence it appeared that all life is from the Lord. - 1748, October 27.
3740. Mirati spiritus, cum dixerint quod illico responsum tulerint, tunc perceptum, quod responsum, ita verum et bonum, quod in memoria hominis, excitetur per solum commune, quod a Domino, influit per coelum, sic ut nisi influxus esset a Domino, nullum responsum veri et boni e memoria exiret, quod cum manifeste perceptum quod sit idea angelica, quae excitabat, dabatur respondere, quod inde, et tunc interrogare angelos annon a Domino, quia per eos, insinuatum quod ita; et quod sphaera communis Domini per coelum similiter excitet verum et bonum, quod in memoria hominis, quod iis responsum: inde quoque constabat, quod omnis vita a Domino. 1748, 27 Oct.