3745. There then appeared to me a face, which was black, and around the head was a white band, and when I asked what it meant, I perceived that it meant that those spirits were such as regarded the Word of the Lord as black, and only useful in keeping the common people in bonds of conscience - which was the white band around the head. I also saw that they made nothing of Divine worship, still less of the Lord, ascribing all things to themselves and their own prudence. Thus their mind was bent on domineering by means of their own prudence, as is the case with many in high positions, as in ministries.
3745. There then appeared to me a face which was black, and having a white bandage wrapped about the head. When I inquired what this meant, I perceived that it signified that they were such as regarded the Word of the Lord as black, and as useful only to keep the common people in the bond of conscience; this was [the import of] the white bandage round the head. I perceived also that those of this quality made nothing of divine worship, and still less of the Lord, and that they ascribed all things to their own prudence. Thus they were in the spirit of domineering through their own peculiar prudence, as multitudes are, both those who are in dignity and those who are in offices of serving.
3745. Visa mihi tunc erat facies, quae nigra, et circum caput fascia alba, tum cum quaesivi quid significaret, percepi, quod significaret eos tales esse, quod spectent Verbum Domini ut nigrum, et modo utile, ut teneat vulgus in vinculo conscientiae; quod erat fascia alba circum caput; perceptum quoque quod tales nihil facerent cultum Divinum, minus Dominum, et quod sibi suaeque prudentiae adscribant omnia; ita in animo dominandi per propriam prudentiam, sicut sunt plures qui in dignitate, tum in ministeriis.