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《灵界经历》 第3749节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3749

3749. Their general quality, which I also discerned, was that they imagine themselves capable of all things, thus wishing to be worshiped as gods in the other life, but I was prompted to tell them that although they think themselves capable of all things, yet if they were tens of thousands in number, they could be driven off by one fly. This angered them, but it was proven to them by their being driven into a state of terror by a whisper of light wind, imagining that a cohort was rising up from hell to carry them away. I spoke with them about this.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3749

3749. Their common property, which I also perceived, was that they supposed themselves competent to everything, and thus in the other life would fain be worshipped as gods. But it was given to say to them, that although they thought themselves all powerful, yet if they were myriads in number, they could be driven by a single fly. At this they were enraged, but the truth was shown them by their being driven into a fright by a light whisper of wind, which they imagined to be a cohort from hell that would carry them away, about which I spoke with them.

Experientiae Spirituales 3749 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3749. Eorum commune erat, quod percepti etiam, quod putent se omnia posse, ita in altera vita coli velle pro diis, sed iis dicere datum, quod tametsi putent se omnia posse, usque si vel myriades essent, possent ab una musca abigi, quo irati, sed ostensum iis, quod per venti levis sibilum in terrorem redacti, putantes quod cohors ascenderet ab inferno, et eos auferret, de quo cum iis loquutus.

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