3751. About the Quakers
In discussing the Quakers it was realized that their nature is such that they cannot be instructed in doctrinal matters of faith. They cling to their fantasies more stubbornly than any other people, not only because they think much about them and are thereby confirmed in them, but also because a spirit then constantly flows into their thoughts and strengthens them in the notion that their holy spirit is speaking with them, so they reject all doctrinal matters. And when they hear them from others, they say "What is this?" "What is this?" like a certain one with me, when I merely said some word, who said, "What is this? I do not understand what this is," and for a long time he kept on saying it. So they are unwilling to be instructed, but at once reject what comes from others.
[2] They say they do not understand those things. So they are called by other spirits gentiles among Christians. They are most obstinate also in their insistence that matters known only to them and what they think should not be made public. They struggled, but in vain, with me, and with the spirits who desired to learn their secrets, and when the spirits in their usual manner were conjecturing what they were, then they objected that they revealed wicked - extremely wicked - things, so that they would desist [from showing them].
Concerning the Quakers it was said and perceived that they are of such a quality that they cannot be instructed in the doctrinals of faith. They cleave to their phantasies more perniciously than any other people, not only from their thinking many things and thus being confirmed, but also because [some kind of] spirit continually flows into their thoughts and thus confirms them in the idea that the Holy Spirit speaks with them. They thus reject all doctrinals; and when they hear them spoken of by others, they say, "What does this mean?" and "what this?" as a certain one with me, whatever word I might utter, would say, "What does this mean? I do not understand this;" and he held on a long time, saying [the same thing]. Thus they are unwilling to be instructed; they reject immediately what is proposed by others, and they cannot understand it; therefore they are called by other spirits what the heathen are called by Christians. They are especially obstinate in an aversion to having the things made public which are known only among them, and also what they think. They strove with me and with the spirits which desired - but in vain - to know their secret things, and when certain representations were shown, setting forth their secrets of life, and when the spirits, as they are wont, would fain conjecture what they were, they brought forward the most abominable objections, the drift of which was that they should desist [from the investigation].
3751. De Quakeris
De Quakeris loquutum et perceptum quod tales sint, ut non instrui queant in doctrinalibus fidei, inhaereant contumacius suis phantasiis quam usquam alia gens, non solum ex eo quod cogitent multa, et sic confirmentur, sed etiam quod spiritus continue sic in cogitationes influit, et confirmat eos quod spiritus sanctus cum iis loquatur, ita rejiciunt omnia doctrinalia; quae cum ab aliis audiunt, dicunt "quid hoc?", "quid hoc?", sicut quidam apud me, solum quod aliquam vocem dicerem, dixit "quid hoc?, non intelligo quid hoc", et diu inhaesit ita dicendo, sic non volunt instrui, rejiciunt illico, quod ab aliis; et dicunt se non intelligere ea; quare vocati ab aliis spiritibus, quod gentes sint inter Christianos; contumacissimi etiam sunt in eo, ne propalentur ea quae apud eos solum cognita, et quae cogitant, colluctati sunt mecum, et cum spiritibus qui scire cupiebant eorum arcana, sed incassum, et cum repraesentationes aliquae ostensae significantes eorum vitae arcana, cum spiritus, ut solent, conjectarent, quid essent, tunc nefanda objecerunt, quam maxime nefanda, quod significarent, ob causam ut desisterent.