3761. As for the inward parts of spirits, which are similar portrayals, but are displayed in such a way that they scarcely fall within anyone's mental scope, they also are inward things, yet all and the least of them symbolize the higher knowledge of faith, heaven, and the Lord. 1748, 29 Oct.
3761. As respects the interiors of spirits, which are similar representations, but of such a quality as can scarce fall under any idea, they are indeed interior, but yet all and each signify the knowledges of faith, heaven, and the Lord. - 1748, October 29
3761. Quod interiora spirituum attinet, quae sunt repraesentationes similes, sed ita repraesentatae, ut aegre sub alicujus ideam cadere possint, sunt quoque interiora, sed usque omnia et singula significant cognitiones fidei, coelum, et Dominum. 1748, 29 Oct.