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《灵界经历》 第3769节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3769

3769. They were asked whether this was done also with virgins and the daughters of others, and maid-servants, and they answered that this was also indeed the case. This was shown by means of a door opened into a room, the front side of which seemed to be of a greyish color, into which the door led. And a man entered, then went out, and keeping to the wall seemed to turn into a dog, which was not visible. Then a bed appeared, covered with a red bedspread. By all this it was symbolically portrayed that this also happens, but in secret, for the parents do not resist when told that are commanded by the holy spirit to do so.

But because outer bonds come into play here, by which they are restrained - such as the fact that their girls are virgins and thus marriageable, and the fear that they many conceive offspring, and that their wickedness may become manifest to the people, for they want to be held as holy ones by others, and thus blameless therefore this takes place in secret.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3769

3769. It was inquired also whether [the same things took place] with the virgins, daughters, and maid servants of others, and it was said that the fact was so. It was moreover shown through a door opening into a chamber, of which the front part appeared of a grayish color, the door to which apartment stood open, and a man was passing in and out, who, stationing himself near the wall, seemed turned into a dog, which however was not [clearly] seen. A bed was then also seen, hung with a red curtain, by all which was signified that this kind of transaction, though managed in secret, really took place; for the parents do not resist when a command of the Holy Spirit is pleaded; but inasmuch as external bonds here occur, by which they are somewhat withheld, as, for instance, [in the consideration] that these maidens are virgins, and may be married, and that therefore they ought not [prematurely] to become mothers, lest their wickednesses should become manifest before men, for they wish to appear holy, and thus blameless before others; for this reason all this is done in secret.

Experientiae Spirituales 3769 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3769. Quaesitum, num quoque cum virginibus et filiabus aliorum, et ancillis, dictum quidem quod quoque ita se habeat, et ostensum per januam apertam in conclave, cujus pars anterior grisei coloris visa, in quod janua patebat, et vir intrabat, tum exibat, et ad parietes se tenens quasi versus in canem, qui non visus, tum quod lectus visus, aulaeo rubro tectus; quibus significatum, quod hoc quoque fiat, sed in occulto, nam parentes non resistunt, cum dicunt sibi mandatum ita a spiritu sancto, sed quia externa vincula hic occurrunt, a quibus detinentur, sicut ut puellae eorum virgines sint, et sic maritentur, et ne prolem concipiant, et sic ne manifesta eorum scelera fiant coram hominibus, nam volunt coram aliis sancti esse, et sic inculpati, quare hoc in occulto fit.

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