3778. But I spoke with them about marriage, saying that marriages, or marriage love, is the fundamental of all loves, this being confirmed by the fact that from them issues the propagation of human society and consequently of heavenly societies. For this reason also a bodily pleasure is bestowed upon it that surpasses all pleasures, for enjoyments are bestowed according to the urgency of purpose, and [I said] that marriage is heaven on earth, thus heavenly love, from which come all others, coming from the Lord's love, or mercy, toward heaven, the Church, and the whole human race, descending from the Lord Alone (these words, just now). From all this it is evident how holy marriages should be held to be.
Having heard this they were able to say nothing in reply. Some of them, who were lower spirits, coming toward me were saying that they had grievously sinned, and that they regretted having been of this character. It was said that these were from among their better spirits, and had observed that it was true but due to their association with others, were unable to say anything. 1748, 30 Oct.
3778. But I spoke with them concerning marriage - that marriages or conjugial love was the foundation of all loves, which is confirmed from the consideration, that thence is the propagation of human society and consequently of celestial societies, wherefore it has imparted to it a corporeal pleasure surpassing all others, for delights are adjoined according to the necessities of ends, and conjugial love is pleasanter and happier than any other love, so that a right conjugial union is heaven on earth, thus is celestial love, from which flow all other loves, being originally derived from the love or mercy of the Lord towards heaven, the church, and the universal human race, and descending from Him alone, (:these things now:) from which it appears how sacred marriages ought to be held. Upon hearing this they were unable to reply. Some of them who were of the lower order of spirits, came to me and said, that they had grievously sinned, and lamented that they had been such as they were. It was said that they had been among the better portion of them, and had perceived what the truth was, but from their associations were unable to say anything. - 1748, October 30.
3778. Sed loquutus cum iis de conjugio, quod conjugia aut conjugialis amor sit fundamentalis omnium amorum; confirmatum etiam ex iis, quod inde societatis humanae proinde societatum coelestium propagatio, quare etiam ei data voluptas corporis prae aliis omnibus voluptatibus, nam secundum necessitates finium adjunctae sunt jucunditates, et quod amor conjugialis jucundior, et felicior sit omni amore, adeo ut conjugium bonum sit coelum in terra, ita est amor coelestis, ex quo omnes reliqui, ex amore Domini, seu misericordia, erga coelum, Ecclesiam et universum genus humanum, a Domino Solo descendens, (haec nunc) , exinde constat, quam sancta teneri debeant conjugia; quo audito nihil respondere poterant, quidam ex iis, qui inferiores spiritus erant, ad me venientes dicebant, se peccavisse graviter, et indoluerunt, quod tales fuerint, dictum, quod inter eorum meliores fuerint, et quod observaverint hoc tale esse, sed quia inter eos, nihil potuerunt dicere. 1748, 30 Oct.