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《灵界经历》 第3795节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3795

3795. That marriage love is the beginning, and indeed, of all loves, and consequently of all relationships, is quite clear, for all relationships by blood and marriage on earth originate from marriage, i.e. parents, children, brothers, sisters, nearer and more remote relatives by blood and marriage. This applies likewise in the heavens, where the Lord's love toward Heaven and the Church is compared to marriage; so marriage love is the beginning from which all loves originate and branch out, forming blood and marital relationships that are similar derivations of loves. This now shows that the bond of conscience is based primarily on marriage love.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3795

3795. for all consanguinities and affinities on earth derive their origins from marriage, from whence parents, children, brothers, sisters, relations, kindreds, receive their denomination, whether nearer or more remote; in like manner in the heavens, where the love of the Lord towards heaven and the church is compared to a marriage; whence conjugial love is the [fundamental] principle and thence all loves draw their origin and are derived, and form consanguinities and affinities, which are similar derivations of loves. Hence now it appears that the primary bond of conscience is founded in conjugial love.

Experientiae Spirituales 3795 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3795. conjugialis sit principium, et quidem omnium amorum, proinde consociationum, satis constat, nam omnes consanguinitates et affinitates in terra, a conjugio trahunt suas origines, inde vocantur parentes, liberi, fratres, sorores, consanguinei, affines propius et remotius, similiter in coelis, ubi amor Domini erga Coelum et Ecclesiam comparatur conjugio, inde amor conjugialis est principium, et inde trahunt omnes amores suam originem, et derivantur, formantque consanguinitates et affinitates, quae sunt amorum derivationes similes; inde constat nunc quod vinculum conscientiae primario fundetur in amore conjugiali.

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