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《灵界经历》 第3816节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3816

3816. About someone who wanted to be greater

Someone told me that I am nothing, to whom I replied, asking whether it is not all right for one to be as one is, whether a person ought to want to be greater than he or she is, for everyone is the very least bit of a part among myriads of myriads of myriads, and so is he, and yet he wants to be greater, whereas when instilled with the truth of faith, he cannot [want] to be greater than he is, which is nothing amongst so many, and so forth; if everyone wanted to be greater than they are, what then? 1748, 2 Nov.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3816


A certain spirit said to me "I am nothing," of whom it was asked whether it were not well that everyone should be such as he is, or whether one should desire to be greater than he is, for everyone is a mere diminutive particle among myriads of myriads of myriads; such he is; and yet he wishes to be greater, while at the same time if in the truth of faith, he cannot be greater than he is, which is to be almost nothing at all, and so on. When one wishes to be greater than he is, what then? - 1748, November 2.

Experientiae Spirituales 3816 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3816. De quodam qui major voluit esse

Quidam ad me dixit, quod nihil sim, cui responsum, annon bene sit, quod sit talis qualis est, an quis debeat velle esse major quam est, nam quisque est minimum partis inter myriades myriadum myriadum, talis est, et usque vult major esse, cum tamen cum in veritate fidei, non potest [velle] major esse quam est, hoc est paene nihil inter tot, et porro, cum quisque velit major esse quam est, quid inde? 1748, 2 Nov.

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