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《灵界经历》 第3819节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3819

3819. cultivate the arts and sciences, such as mechanics, physics, philosophical studies, and many more, and yet they possess them, and in fact like the human body, possess the most arcane of all of them. By nature they know many more things than man by all his arts and sciences. They know how to build nests, [like the birds,] to fashion webs, like the spider, to wrap themselves in little silken houses, like the silk-worm, to shape comely cells and fit them together, like the bees, besides other knowledge known to wild animals. Humans with their sciences do not reach so far. So there are sciences and arts that we have in common with wild animals, in that they likewise regard earthly life; for their ends terminate in nature.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3819

3819. Beasts also have no skill in arts or sciences, as the mechanical, physical, philosophical, and others; still they are in them, and indeed, like the body of man, in their most hidden arcana, and from nature they know many more things than man by all his arts and sciences, as for instance they know how to construct nests, as the birds; to form webs, as the spider; to enwrap themselves in little silken houses, as the silk-worm; to form beautiful cells and adjust them, as bees; besides other things. These things are scientifics which beasts know; man by his sciences does not reach so far. Wherefore sciences and things of art are such things as man has in common with the beasts, on which account they alike regard the natural life, for ends are terminated in nature.

Experientiae Spirituales 3819 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3819. callent artes et scientias, sicut mechanicas, physicas, philosophicas, et plures, usque tamen in iis sunt, et quidem ut hominis corpus in arcanissimis earum, et ex natura sciunt multo plura, quam homo per omnes suas artes et scientias, sicut quod sciant nidos aedificare, formare telas ut aranea, tum domunculis se sericis involvere ut bombyx, cellas formare pulchras et aptare eas, ut apes, praeter alia, haec sunt scientifica quae bruta norunt, homo per scientias suas non illuc vadit, quare scientiae et artificia sunt talia, quae homo commune habet cum bestiis, quare similiter spectant naturalem vitam, nam fines terminantur in natura.

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