3832. 1About spirits who speak dissimilarly, but think alike
Some spirits came forward, a profane aura preceding them causing me to suppose that profane spirits were arriving, but they were just the opposite, being their enemies, who positioned themselves above my head. That they were their enemies was made evident from the fact that they breathed forth trouble against them, and other expressions of unfriendliness toward them.
1. In the autograph, 3822-31 are lacking.
the next section is 3834
3832. 1
De spiritibus qui dissimiliter loquuntur sed similiter cogitant
Venerunt spiritus antrorsum, iis praemissa sphaera prophana, [ego] putans inde, quod venturi spiritus prophani, sed erant eorum contrarii seu hostes, qui se ponebant supra caput meum; quod hostes essent, inde compertum quod inspirarent contra eos molestiam, et alia quae inimicitiae sunt, contra eos.
1. in ms. 3822 imprudenter in 3833 emendatum est et 3823 omissive immutatum relictum, cum auctor paragraphos 3822 ad 3906 respective in 3832 ad 3916 corrigeret, cum eventu, quod 3822-31 sic prorsus deessent; ita hic idem articulus in indice ad Loqui ut 3822-3837, ad Cogitare (erronee) ut 3823-3837, ad Loquela ut 3833-3837, sed caeteris in locis ut 3832-37 designatus est