4188. About the life of spirits and angels
There are kinds and there are species of lives. Societies are distinguished according to differences of life. All have societies interacting with their own life. The kind of any given society is shared by numerous societies, of which each has its own individual life. A person on earth or a spirit is in this or that society depending on their changes of state, but has his general or prevailing life in one society, into which he falls back, and does not readily pass outside of those societies, and if he does, he is brought back into them again. For outside of them, and especially outside of his own, he does not find the pleasantness of his own life, but finds it boring and unpleasant. 1749, 28 March. 1
1. Astrological symbol of Mars, meaning Tuesday.
There are genera and species of lives, and societies are distinguished according to differences of life. Everyone has societies corresponding to his life; the general quality of that life obtains among many societies, of which each has its peculiar life. A man or a spirit according to his changes of state is successively in those societies, but in some one society he finds a ruling life in common with his own, into which he, as it were, glides. Without those societies he does not easily pass, if he passes at all, and when he does he is brought back to them again; for without [the sphere of] those societies and of his own in particular, he finds no delight of life, but everything is irksome and unpleasant. - 1749, March 28.
4188. De vita spirituum et angelorum
Vitarum sunt genera et species, societates sunt distinctae secundum differentias vitae; unusquisque habet societates suae vitae correspondentes, genus istius vitae est inter plures societates, quarum unaquaevis peculiarem vitam habet; homo seu spiritus secundum mutationes status in societatibus illis est, sed in una societate habet vitam suam communem seu regnantem, in quam relabitur, extra societates istas, non facile pervenit, si venit, intra societates redigitur, nam extra illas, et suam in specie, non invenit vitae suae jucundum, taedet eum, injucundum fit. 1749, 28 Martius.