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《灵界经历》 第4357节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4357

4357. A hypocrite

It was shown to me how hypocrites become, having no face, but a gaping throat, black within, gaping very wide, with a few snow white teeth - no cheeks, but hair hanging down like an unkempt woolly mass. This was shown to me; then a snake's head of a golden color, shaped like a triangle, as the heads of certain species of snakes are, that identify those who are adopted by him. 1749, 18 Aug. 1


1. Astrological symbol of Venus, meaning Friday.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4357


The aspect of hypocrites was shown me, to wit, that they have no face, but an open throat, black within, and yawning exceedingly, with a few snow-white teeth. They have no cheeks, but a quantity of hair depending like an uncouth mass of wool; this was shown me. There afterwards appeared the head of a serpent, of a golden color, triangular in form, as is the case with certain [species of] serpents. This represented those who were drawn together around him. - 1749, August 16.

Experientiae Spirituales 4357 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4357. Hypocrita

Ostensum mihi quales fiunt hypocritae, quod nulla facies, sed hians guttur nigrum intus, valde hians, cum paucis dentibus niveis, non genae, sed tales pili dependent sicut lanuginosum quoddam rude, hoc ostensum mihi: dein caput serpentis aurei coloris, triangulare quale solet esse quorundam talium serpentum, illi sunt qui adsciscuntur ab illo. 1749, 18 Aug.

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