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《灵界经历》 第4901节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4901

4901. About those who are filled with self-intelligence

There are some who explore the laws of the order in the heavens and put them to use for doing many kinds of evils. They know how to effect communication with the heavens; they also know how to alter mental images in many ways and how to disrupt them. They know many other things, but their application of them to doing evils comes from self-intelligence, [and] consequently they are heavily punished. Some of them sit in a lower place and with a mossa 1drawn down to their eyes, which is a sign that they are thinking inwardly and quite clearly about evil things they are going to do. And they speak between their teeth. It is very difficult to pull them away, for they have assembled all their knowledge and use it to defend themselves. Nevertheless, in the end they are purged and then sent into that dark pit where (C[harles] XII) is.


1. Swedish for "cap"

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4901


There are some who investigate the laws of order in the heavens, and apply them to the commission of evils of many kinds. They know how to institute communication with the heavens; they know, also, how to vary ideas in many ways, and to infest ideas. They know very many other things; but the application of them to evils takes place from self-intelligence; therefore, they are grievously punished. Some of them sit in a lower place, wearing a cap which is drawn down as far as over the eyes - which signifies that they think inwardly, and with considerable clearness, concerning evils that are to come; and their speech issues from between the teeth. These persons are plucked away with great difficulty, for they adjust and abuse all things to the purpose of defending themselves; but yet they are at length vastated, and then they also are put into that darksome pit where Charles XII is.

Experientiae Spirituales 4901 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4901. De illis qui in propria intelligentia

Sunt quidam qui explorant leges ordinis in coelis, et applicant illas ad facienda mala plurium generum, sciunt dare communicationem cum coelis, etiam sciunt ideas variare multis modis, et infestare illas, sciunt perplura alia, sed applicatio fit ex propria intelligentia ad mala, ideo graviter puniuntur; sedent quidam eorum in loco inferiori, et cum mossa 1

quae usque ad oculos detrahitur, quod significat quod cogitent intus, et satis distincte de malis, quae facturi; et loquela eorum cadit inter dentes, illi admodum aegre avelluntur, nam componunt omnia et [omnibus] abutuntur ad se defendendum, sed usque tandem devastantur, etiam quoque tunc mittuntur in foveam illam caliginosam ubi (C. XII).


1. = galero (vox suecica)

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