4915. Some are on the right there, some on the left; some are higher and higher up, some too in even the very highest places. There are also those at the back on both sides who are in a high place too, but they are different. Those ahead on the left are those who had been learned and confirmed themselves in these basic dogmas, and those who are on the right there are otherwise. Those below are those who were not learned and yet had believed themselves to be so.
4915. There are some on the right hand and some on the left; some are higher and higher there, even to the highest positions; there are also some on high, on both sides, at the back; but they all differ. They who are on the left in front, are those who have been learned and have confirmed themselves in those principles; but they who are in front, there, on the right, are different. Those below are such as are not learned, and yet have believed that the case is as just stated.
4915. Sunt quidam a dextro, et quidam a sinistro, quidam ibi altius et altius, usque in altissimis, sunt etiam a tergo utrinque etiam in alto, sed differunt, qui a sinistro antrorsum, sunt qui eruditi fuerunt, et confirmarunt se in illis principiis, et qui antrorsum a dextro ibi sunt aliter, qui infra sunt qui non docti, et usque crediderunt quod ita.