4917. When some from the lower levels dare to speak with them or look at them and more when they refuse to obey, they become angry, withdraw and confer and, depending on their own inner nature, decide to destroy, hurt, or punish them. For the most part they harbor hatred for them and a desire for vengeance, and then go down for revenge if they cannot do it from above. And when they come to the lower places they are scattered, and each of them is brought to a place agreeing with the nature they acquired in the world. Thus those who harbored hatred and revenge are carried away to hells where such individuals are.
4917. When any from the lower regions dare to speak with them, or look at them, and still more when they refuse to obey, they are angry; and then they withdraw and consult, and, according to their interiors, they decide either to destroy, or injure, or punish the offenders. They are, for the most part, sunk in hatred and revenge against them; and then, if they cannot do it from above, they descend, for the purpose of taking vengeance; and when they reach the lower regions, they are scattered, and everyone of them is borne to the places suitable to his disposition acquired in the world. Thus those who are in hatreds and vindictiveness [are borne] to the hells where those of such a character are.
4917. Cum aliqui ex inferioribus audent loqui cum illis, aut spectare illos, et magis cum renuunt obedire, irascuntur, recedunt, et consultant, et secundum interiora sua concludunt, vel ut perdant, vel ut laedant, vel ut puniant, plerumque insidet odium et vindicta contra illos, et tunc descendunt vindicandi causa, si non possunt desuper id facere, cumque ad inferiora veniunt, dissipantur, et quisque eorum fertur ad loca indoli acquisitae in mundo convenientia, sic illi qui in odiis et vindictis sunt ad inferna, ubi tales.