4920. 1About the hells
I was led down into a hell that is under the feet, where a large city was seen and many houses there. I was led through the streets, and a vast number of robbers appeared there. They were seeking to harm each other in various ways. And when a person from somewhere came, as happens when good spirits [come] so that they may learn what both the torment and the fire of hell are, then, when I was there, [robbers] came up to me and were contemplating harming [me] and surrounded me like dogs. But before they could hurt me, I was snatched away from their savagery.
1. Paragraph 4819 is missing in the original manuscript.
I was brought into a hell which is under the feet, where there appeared a great city, and many houses therein. I was conducted through the streets, and there appeared there robbers in great abundance, who sought to do one another mischief in various ways. And when anyone comes thither from elsewhere - which happens when good spirits do not know what and of what quality hell is, and what are the torments and fire of hell, in order that they may know - then, [for example] when I was there, they came to me, and intended to do me evil; and there was, as it were, a dog about me; but, before they were able to do it, I was snatched away from their ferocity.
1. Number 4819 is wanting from the Latin text.
4920. De infernis
Deductus sum in infernum, quod sub pedibus, ubi apparebat magna urbs et ibi domus multae, per plateas deductus sum, ac ibi apparebant multa copia latrones, qui quaerebant malefacere unus alteri variis modis, et cum illuc venit aliquis aliunde, quod fit quando boni spiritus non sciunt quid infernum et quale, ut sciant, et quid cruciatus et ignis inferni, tunc cum ibi eram, ad me veniebant, et cogitabant male facere, et circum me erant sicut canes, sed antequam potuerunt, eorum saevitiae ereptus sum.