4967. On the mount of the congregation a tower was seen in which those who stood there were seen waving something like an armkladde 1, that is to say, a white cloth, which had the effect of arousing wicked adulteries, like that of a mother with a son. Consequently such evils that are in the Word are symbolized by these things.
1. Swedish for Ԩandkerchief"
4967. On the top of the Mount of Assembly appeared a tower. Those who stood thereon seemed to wave as it were a kerchief, thus a white linen cloth, which had the effect of exciting impious adulteries below, such as of a mother with her son; consequently, such evils as are signified in the Word by those adulteries.
4967. Super monte conventus apparuit turris, in qua qui steterunt visi sunt vibrare sicut armklade, 1
seu album linteum, quod illum effectum habebat, ut excitaret infra nefanda adulteria, qualia sunt matris cum filio, sic talia mala quae in Verbo significantur per illa.
1. = mucinium