4981. These were the points of doctrine that they had then hatched up. They were represented by the high tower. Its height stemmed from the fact that they thought nothing at all about the salvation of mankind but only about their own dominion; thus they thought from diabolical self-love, which also was represented by height.
4981. These were the doctrinals, which they then sent out, which are represented by that high tower. Its height was owing to the circumstance that they thought nothing at all concerning the salvation of the human race, but only about their own domination. Thus it was from diabolical self-love, which also is represented by height.
4981. Heac doctrinalia erant quae tunc excludebant, quae repraesentata sunt per turrim illam altam, altitudo inde erat, quod nihil prorsus cogitarent de salute generis humani, sed solum de suo dominatu, ita ex diabolico amore sui, qui repraesentatur etiam per altum.