4985. It should be known as well that those who are Babel attack everyone they see and use every trick to press the acceptance of their dominion. They use many, wicked tricks, and [it should be known] that they do this in no wise for the sake of the salvation of souls but solely for the sake of dominion and gain.
4985. It should be known that those who are Babel approach all whom they see, and urge them, by all kinds of arts, to accept their rule. The arts are many and atrocious; and they by no means do this for the sake of the salvation of souls, but solely for the sake of rule and gain.
4985. Sciendum, quod illi qui sunt Babel aggrediantur omnes quotcunque vident, et omnibus artibus urgent ad recipiendum dominatum eorum; artes sunt plures et nefandae, et quod nullatenus id faciant propter salutem animarum, sed solummodo propter dominatum et lucrum.