5391. That the Lord is to be approached, and thus God worshiped, the Lord teaches in many places, even in the Old Testament, as where He is called Father of eternity, God, Hero, and also God With Us, that is, Emanuel [Isa. 7:14], as well as Jehovah our righteousness [Jer. 23:6, 33:16], and elsewhere in places where it treats of His Human. It is also known that the Father and Son are one [John 10:30], and what is the one's is the other's [John 1:10], and that the one is reciprocally in the other [John 14:10, 11], and yet the Divine is one. On this account those who thought only about the Divine of the Father and about the Lord as human apart from the idea of what is Divine, can never receive what is Divine, for the Divine of the Lord is the all in all of heaven. As soon as it flows in, it is not received but rejected; and what is Divine is accepted without the idea of what is human, that is without any mental image, for apart from what is human, no idea of what is Divine can be mentally apprehended. This is the reason why they are rejected: they cannot receive the Divine inflow about the Lord, and so not about faith and about love, and about each and every thing which pertains to faith in and love for God.
5391. That the Lord is to be approached, and God to be worshipped thus, the Lord teaches in many places, even in the Old Testament, where He is called Father of Eternity, God, Hero, 1also God with us, or Emanuel, 2as also Jehovah our Righteousness, 3etc.; in which places it is His Human that is treated of. It is also known that the Father and Son are One, and that the one is of the other, and the one in the other, reciprocally; and the Divine is still One. Wherefore, those who have thought only of the Divine of the Father, and of the Lord as a man apart from the idea of Divinity - these can by no means receive the Divine, for the Lord's Divine is the all-in-all of heaven, and as soon as this inflows [into them] it is not adopted but rejected; and the Divine is received by them without the idea of a human, which is without any idea; for no idea can be conceived of a Divine apart from a human. This is the reason that they were rejected, inasmuch as they were not able to receive the Divine influx relating to the Lord, thus neither that concerning faith and love, nor respecting all and everyone of the things that belong to faith and love to God.
1. The Latin Editor here reads Herus, Master. But Swedenborg's reading of Isaiah 9:6, is, et vocabitur nomen illius, Mirabilis, Consiliarius, DEUS, HEROS, Pater aeternitatis, Princeps pacis, = "and His name shall be called Wonderful, Counselor, God, Hero [not the Mighty God, as in the English Authorized Version], the Father of Eternity, the Prince of Peace," (see Arcana Coelestia 2005). Knowing this, and noticing that, in the present text, Swedenborg unquestionably has in mind the Lord's titles as recited in Isaiah 9:6, we cannot doubt that he here wrote, Deus, Heros = "God, Hero. " We have made the English translation, therefore, to read accordingly. -ED.
2. Isaiah 7:14.
3. Jeremiah 23:6.
5391. Quod Dominus adeundus, et sic Deus colendus, docet Dominus pluribus in locis, etiam in veteri Testamento, ut vocatur Pater aeternitatis, Deus, Heros, tum Deus nobiscum, seu Emanuel [Esaj. VII: [14], ut et Jehovah justitia nostra [Jer. XXIII: 6, XXXIII: 16], et alibi, in quibus locis agitur de Humano Ipsius; notum etiam est, quod Pater et Filius unum sint [Joh. X: 30], et quod unius sit alterius [Joh. XVII: 10], et unus in altero reciproce [Joh. XIV: 10, 11], et usque Divinum est unum; quapropter qui cogitarunt modo de Divino Patris, et de Domino ut homine absque idea Divini, illi nequaquam possunt recipere Divinum, nam Divinum Domini est omne in omnibus coeli, statim enim ut influit, non assumitur, sed rejicitur, et absque idea humani acceptatur Divinum, quod est absque ulla idea, nam de Divino absque humano nulla idea capi potest, haec causa est, quod illi rejecti sint, quoniam Divinum influxum de Domino recipere non possent, ita nec de fide ac de amore, et de omnibus et singulis quae sunt fidei et amoris in Deum.