5809. Then I was separated from those in the Christian world who were on the left, and I was led by the Lord to gentiles. They were shown the nature of the belief they had about God. There were:
1) Those who worship an invisible and a visible God.
2). Certain who made two from these, certain who made one.
3) Certain who had been instructed that God was born a human person and who therefore had accepted the Christian faith, but when they heard that [Christians] had divided the Divine into three persons, they went off; many made one person from the three, believing that Christians, although they said three, still thought one.
4) Certain who did not understand what "born from eternity" means. It was explained to them and they comprehended it well.
5) Certain who were the best believed that God is altogether a person, and that this is ingrained in them.
6) Certain ones several centuries ago thought in themselves that God had been born fully a person, but they did not know where. They inquired and heard that it was in Jericho, and satisfied, they cherished this saying and held it holy: whenever they thought about God born man, they saw a star in the air.
7) The wiser of the gentiles, from those who are in Africa, think about the Lord's Divine Human nature properly; and they are wise. They also have a Book, which to them is the Word, but it is not like ours. It is written in a similar way, using correspondences. It is written by enlightened men. They are in Africa.
8) It was said to me that in the case of the Mohammedans there is a book that is in their hands and common there in which there are some pages written using correspondences, from which there is some light from it in the heavens.
[Marginal Note: All these characteristics were felt by an inflow into the chest, and also by rather pleasant and unpleasant feelings.]
5809. I was next separated from those in the Christian world who were on the left hand, and was brought by the Lord to the Gentiles, who were exhibited as to the kind of faith they possessed about God. There were
(1) those who worshipped an invisible God and a visible God;
(2) Some who made of these, two; some, who made of them, one.
(3) Some had been instructed by Christians that God was born a man, and therefore received the Christian faith; but, when they heard that Christians distinguished the Divine into three persons, they went away. Many made of the three, one; believing, that, although Christians said three, they yet thought one.
(4) There were some who did not understand what born from eternity meant they were told; and they comprehended very well.
(5) Some, who were the best, believed that God was wholly man, and that this truth is implanted in everyone.
(6) Some, who lived several ages ago, thought in themselves that God was born altogether a man; but, because they did not know where, they inquired and heard that it was in Jericho; and, being satisfied, they held fast that notion and esteemed it holy. As often as these thought about God born a Man, they saw a brilliant star in the air.
(7) The wiser of the Gentiles, from those who are in Africa, think becomingly about the Lord's Divine Human, and are wise. They also possess a Book, which is their Word; but it is not like ours. It is written, in like manner, by correspondences. It was written through illustrated men. These are in Africa.
(8) It was stated to me, that there is a Book, among the Mohammedans, which is in their hands, and is common there; in which some pages are written by correspondences, by reason of which correspondences there is some light from it in the heavens. These were all felt, as to their quality, through influx into the breast, and also through sensations, agreeable and disagreeable.
5809. 1
Dein separabar ab illis qui in Christiano orbe, qui a sinistris erant, et perductus a Domino ad gentes, qui ostensi qualem fidem haberent de Deo, fuerunt,
1) Qui Deum invisibilem et Deum visibilem coluerunt.
2) Quidam qui ex illis duos fecerunt, quidam qui unum ex illis.
3) Quidam instructi a Christianis quod Deus natus sit homo, et ideo receperunt fidem Christianam, sed cum audiverunt quod distinguerent Divinum in tres personas, abiverunt; multi fecerunt ex tribus unum, credentes quod Christiani tametsi dicerent tres, usque cogitarent unum.
4) Quidam qui non intellexerunt quid natus ab aeterno, dictum est eis et comprehenderunt bene.
5) Quidam qui optimi crediderunt quod Deus omnino homo sit, et quod id cuivis insitum.
6) Quidam ante aliquot saecula cogitaverunt in se quod Deus omnino homo natus esset, sed quod nescirent ubinam, inquisiverunt, et audiverunt quod in Jericho, et sic contenti retinuerunt illam vocem, et sanctam habuerunt: illi quoties cogitabant de Deo nato homine videbant stellam lucidam in aere.
7) Sapientiores ex gentibus, ex illis qui in Africa cogitant de Divino Humano Domini, sicut decet; et sunt sapientes; habent quoque Librum, qui illis est Verbum, sed non sicut nostrum, scriptum simili modo per correspondentias, scriptum per viros illustratos, hi sunt in Africa. -
8) Dicebatur mihi, quod apud Muhamedanos sit liber, qui in eorum manibus, et communis ibi, in quo aliquae paginae scriptae sunt per correspondentias, ex quibus lux aliqua inde est in coelis.
1. Sidebar: Sentiebantur omnes quales erant per influxum in pectus, tum et per sensationes ingratiores et gratiores.