天堂天人理解为凡承认主并重生者就会得救。由于这个原因,洗礼被地上的基督教会称为重生的洗濯盆。但愿每个基督徒都知道,人若不信靠主,即便他受了洗,也不会重生。若不信靠主,洗礼毫无效果,对此,可查看本章第二节(n. 673)。每个基督徒都应该深深意识到,洗礼包含从恶中洁净,从而重生,因为当他作为婴儿受洗时,牧师会用手指在他的额头和胸前划十字架,作为主的象征,然后转向他的监护人,问他是否弃绝魔鬼及其一切恶行,是否接受信,对此,其监护人会代婴儿回答说:“是的。”弃绝魔鬼,即弃绝来自地狱的邪恶,并信靠主,就会实现重生。
685. 从刚才和前文所述可以看出, 洗礼的三个作用结合成一体, 就象最初原因, 间接原因或生效的原因, 以及最终原因, 这最终原因是前两者为之存在的结果和目的本身。 对于一个人来说, 第一作用是要被命名为一个基督徒, 随之而来的第二作用是他可以认识并承认主, 救世主, 再造者和救主, 第三个作用是他能被主重生, 当这一切完成后, 人就被救赎并得救了。 由于这三个作用按秩序一个接着一个, 并结合在最后一个作用里, 结果, 在天人观念里, 它们结合为一体, 所以当在圣言中读到或提到施洗时, 同在的天人理解为重生而非洗礼。 因此, 对于主的这些话:
信而受洗的, 必然得救; 不信的, 必被定罪。 (马可福音16:16)
天堂天人理解为凡承认主并重生者就会得救。 由于这个原因, 洗礼被地上的基督教会称为重生的洗濯盆。 但愿每个基督徒都知道, 人若不信靠主, 即便他受了洗, 也不会重生。 若不信靠主, 洗礼毫无效果, 对此, 可查看本章第二节 (n。673)。 每个基督徒都应该深深意识到, 洗礼包含从恶中洁净, 从而重生, 因为当他作为婴儿受洗时, 牧师会用手指在他的额头和胸前划十字架, 作为主的象征, 然后转向他的监护人, 问他是否弃绝魔鬼及其一切恶行, 是否接受信, 对此, 其监护人会代婴儿回答说: “是的。 ”弃绝魔鬼, 即弃绝来自地狱的邪恶, 并信靠主, 就会实现重生。
685. From all that has been said on this topic so far, it is possible to see that the three functions of baptism work together in unity as the first cause, the intermediate cause or means, and the last cause, which is the result and the ultimate purpose of all that went before. The first function is to identify us as a Christian; the second function, which is a consequence of the first, is to allow us to know and acknowledge the Lord as the Redeemer, Regenerator, and Savior; and the third function is to lead us to be regenerated by him. When that happens, we are redeemed and saved.
Since these three functions follow each other and come together in the last, and since angels see all three together as forming one thing, therefore when baptism is performed or read about in the Word or mentioned in conversation, the angels who are present take it to mean regeneration rather than baptism. For example, the Lord's words "Those who have believed and have been baptized will be saved, but those who have not believed will be condemned" (Mark 16:16) are taken by angels to mean that those who acknowledge the Lord and are regenerated are saved.
[2] This is also why the Christian churches on earth refer to baptism as the washing of regeneration.
It is important therefore for Christians to know that people who do not believe in the Lord cannot be regenerated, even if they have been baptized. Being baptized but having no faith in the Lord does absolutely nothing for us (see the fourth section above under the second heading in this chapter [673]).
It should be very well known to every Christian that "baptism" includes being purified from evils and regenerated. When a baby is being baptized, the priest draws a cross, as a reminder of the Lord, with one finger on the baby's forehead and chest, and then turns to the godparents and asks, "Does this child renounce the Devil and all his works? Does this child accept the faith?" The godparents reply on behalf of the child, "Yes indeed. " Renouncing the Devil (meaning evils that come from hell) and having faith in the Lord are the elements that carry us through the process of being regenerated.
685. These and the foregoing remarks enable us to see that the three purposes of baptism combine into one, just as do the first cause, the intermediate or efficient cause, and the last cause or the effect, which is the real end in view for the sake of which the others exist. The first purpose is for a person to be named a Christian; the second is what follows from this, so that he may get to know and acknowledge the Lord, the Redeemer, Regenerator and Saviour; the third is so that he may be regenerated by the Lord, and when this happens, he is redeemed and saved. Since these three purposes follow one succeeding the other and combine in the last, so that angels think of them together as one, then when baptism is performed, read about in the Word or mentioned, the angels present understand not baptism, but regeneration. So these words of the Lord:
He who believes and is baptised will be saved; but he who does not believe will be condemned, Mark 16:16.
are understood by the angels in heaven as meaning that the person who acknowledges the Lord and is regenerated is saved.
[2] This too is the reason why baptism is called by the Christian churches on earth the washing of regeneration. The Christian ought therefore to know that one who does not believe in the Lord cannot be regenerated, despite being baptised. Baptism without faith in the Lord is of no avail; see above in this chapter, 673. Every Christian ought to be fully aware that baptism involves purification from evils and so regeneration, for when he is baptised as an infant, the priest makes the sign of the cross with his finger on his forehead and chest as a token of the Lord, and then turning to the godparents asks whether he renounces the devil and all his works, and whether he accepts the faith. To which the godparents answer in place of the child: 'Yes, indeed.' The renouncing of the devil, that is, of the evils which come from hell, and faith in the Lord, bring about regeneration.
685. From what has been said now and heretofore it can be seen that the three uses of baptism cohere as a unit, like first cause, mediate cause, which is the efficient cause, and last cause, which is the effect and the end itself, for the sake of which the former exist; for the first use is that the man may be called a Christian; the second, following from this, is that he may know and acknowledge the Lord the Redeemer, Regenerator and Savior; and the third that be may be regenerated by Him; and when this is done man is redeemed and saved. As these three uses follow in order, and are conjoined in the last, and consequently in the conception of the angels cohere as a unit, so when baptism is performed, read of in the Word, or mentioned, the angels who are present do not understand baptism, but regeneration. Therefore, by these words of the Lord:
He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved, but he that believeth not shall be condemned (Mark 16:16);
the angels in heaven understand that he who acknowledges the Lord and is regenerated will be saved. And for this reason baptism is called by the Christian churches on earth the laver of regeneration. Let every Christian know, then, that he who does not believe in the Lord even though he has been baptized, cannot be regenerated. Also that baptism without faith in the Lord has no effect whatever, may be seen above, in the second section of this chapter (n. 673). Every Christian is well aware that baptism involves purification from evils, and thus regeneration, for when he is baptized in infancy, the priest with his finger makes the sign of the cross, as a memorial of the Lord, on his forehead and breast, and afterwards turns to his sponsors and asks whether he renounces the devil and all his works, and accepts the faith; to which the sponsors, in the place of the infant, answer, "Yes." The renunciation of the devil, that is, of the evils that are from hell, and faith in the Lord, are what effect regeneration.
685. From what has been said in this and previous Articles it may be seen that the three uses of Baptism combine as one, like a first cause, a middle or efficient cause, and an ultimate cause which is the effect, and the end itself for the sake of which the former causes exist. Thus the first use of Baptism is, that a man may have the name of Christian; the second, following from the first, that he may know and acknowledge the Lord, the Redeemer, Regenerator and Savior; and the third is that he may be regenerated by Him. When this takes place, he is redeemed and saved. As these three uses follow in order, and unite in the ultimate, and consequently to the angels appear to combine as one, therefore when Baptism is performed, when it is read of in the Word or mentioned by name, angels who are present do not understand Baptism, but regeneration. Therefore, by these words of the Lord,
"He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned" Mark 16:16, the angels in heaven understand that he who acknowledges the Lord and is regenerated is saved. It is for this reason also that Baptism is called by Christian Churches on earth the laver of regeneration.
The Christian accordingly should know that whoever does not believe in the Lord cannot be regenerated, although he has been baptized; and that baptizing, without faith in the Lord, is of no avail whatever, may be seen above in this chapter, Art. II, 673. It may be very well known to every Christian that Baptism implies purification from evils, and thus regeneration. For when an infant is baptized, the priest with his finger makes the sign of the cross on the forehead and breast as a memorial of the Lord. Then he turns to the sponsors and asks whether he renounces the devil and all his works, and whether he receives the faith. To these questions the sponsors in the child's name answer, "Yes." Renunciation of the devil, that is, of the evils which are from hell, and faith in the Lord, are what effect regeneration.
685. Ex ante et nunc dictis, videri potest, quod tres Usus baptismi cohaereant ut unum, quemadmodum causa prima, causa media quae efficiens, et causa ultima quae est effectus, et ipse finis propter quem priores; primus enim usus est ut nominetur Christianus; secundus ex hoc sequens est, ut cognoscat et agnoscat Dominum Redemptorem, Regeneratorem et Salvatorem, et tertius est ut regeneretur ab Ipso, quod dum fit, est redemptus et salvatus. Quoniam hi tres usus sequuntur ordine, et in ultimo se conjungunt, et inde in idea Angelorum cohaerent ut unum, ideo cum Baptismus peragitur, legitur in Verbo, et nominatur, Angeli qui adsunt, non intelligunt baptismum, sed Regenerationem; quare per haec verba Domini, Qui crediderit et baptizatus fuerit, salvabitur, at qui non crediderit, condemnabitur, Marcus 16:16 hoc in Coelo ab Angelis intelligitur, quod qui agnoscit Dominum et regeneratur, ille salvetur.
[2] Inde quoque est, quod Baptismus ab Ecclesiis Christianis in terra, vocetur LAVACRUM REGENERATIONIS; sciat itaque Christianus, quod qui non credit in Dominum, non possit regenerari, tametsi baptizatus est, et quod baptizatio absque fide in Dominum, prorsus nihil faciat, videatur supra in hoc Capite Art. II. 433. Quod Baptismus involvat purificationem a malis, et sic regenerationem, notissimum potest esse omni Christiano, nam dum ut Infans baptizatur, sacerdos Crucem, ut memoriale Domini, digito signat in fronte et super pectore, et postea convertit se ad patrinos, et quaerit, num abdicet diabolum, et omnia ejus opera; et num fidem recipiat, ad quae loco infantis respondetur a patrinis, imo etiam; abdicatio Diaboli, hoc est, malorum quae ex inferno sunt, et fides in Dominum perficiunt regenerationem.