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属天的奥秘 第10263节



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Potts(1905-1910) 10263

10263. And thou shalt make it an oil of anointing of holiness. That this signifies a representative of the Divine good of the Lord's Divine love, is evident from what has been shown above concerning the oil of anointing (see n. 9954, 10011, 10019).

Elliott(1983-1999) 10263

10263. 'And you shall make it an anointing oil' means a representative sign of the Divine Good of the Lord's Divine Love. This is clear from what has been shown before regarding 'anointing oil', in 9954, 10011, 10019.

Latin(1748-1756) 10263

10263. `Et facies illud oleum unctionis': quod significet repraesentativum Divini Boni Divini Amoris Domini, constat ex illis quae de `oleo unctionis' prius n. 9954, 10,011, 10,019, ostensa sunt.

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