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属天的奥秘 第10291节



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Potts(1905-1910) 10291

10291. Take to thee fragrant spices. That this signifies the affections of truth from good which must be in Divine worship, is evident from the signification of "spices," as being the perceptions and affections of truth and of good (n. 10254). That it signifies which must be in Divine worship, is because by the incense which was prepared from them is signified Divine worship (of which in what follows). The spices which are now mentioned are of a totally different kind from those of which the oil of anointing was prepared (verses 23, 24). These also are called "spices," but are expressed in the original tongue by another word. The spices from which the oil of anointing was prepared, in like manner signify perceptions and affections of truth and good as do these spices, but with the difference that the former truths belong to the celestial class, and the latter to the spiritual class. (That the former truths belong to the celestial class, see n. 10254; and that the latter belong to the spiritual class, will be seen in what follows.) [2] What is meant by belonging to the celestial class, and to the spiritual class, shall be briefly told. It has been frequently stated that heaven is distinguished into the celestial kingdom and the spiritual kingdom. In the two kingdoms the truths differ as do the goods; the good of the celestial kingdom is the good of love to the Lord, and the good of the spiritual kingdom is the good of charity toward the neighbor. Every good has its own truths; celestial good its own, and spiritual good its own; which are quite different from each other. (What this difference is can be seen from what has been shown concerning the two kingdoms at the places cited in n. 9277.) [3] That every good has its truths, is because good is formed by means of truths (n. 10252, 10266), and also manifests itself by means of truths. It is with these as it is with the will and the understanding in man; his will is formed by means of the understanding, and it also manifests itself by means of it; that which is of the will is called good, and that which is of the understanding is called truth.

Elliott(1983-1999) 10291

10291. 'Take for yourself sweet spices' means the affections for truth springing from good which must be present in the worship of God. This is clear from the meaning of 'spices' as perceptions of and affections for truth and good, dealt with in 10254. The reason why they are the ones that must be present in the worship of God is that 'the incense' that was made from them means the worship of God, which is the subject in what follows. The spices that are mentioned now are of an entirely different kind from the spices from which the anointing oil was prepared, which were the subject above in verses 23,24. Those too are called spices, though a different word is used in the original language. The spices from which the anointing oil was prepared mean perceptions of and affections for truth and good, in the same way as the present spices do; but the difference is that the earlier truths belong to the celestial group, whereas the later ones belong to the spiritual group. That those earlier truths belong to the celestial group may be seen in 10254; that these later ones belong to the spiritual group will be seen in what follows below.

[2] Something more must be stated briefly to show what belonging to the celestial group and belonging to the spiritual group imply. It has often been stated that heaven is divided into the celestial kingdom and the spiritual kingdom. The two kingdoms have different kinds of truth, as they do of good, the good of the celestial kingdom being the good of love to the Lord, and the good of the spiritual kingdom the good of charity towards the neighbour. All good has its own truths; celestial good has its own and spiritual good its own, and these are entirely different from each other. The nature of that difference becomes clear from what has been shown regarding both kingdoms in the places referred to in 9277.

[3] The reason why all good has its own truths is that good is given form by truths, see 10252, 10266, and also reveals itself through truths. Such good and truths are like a person's will and understanding, in that his will is given form by and also reveals itself through his understanding. What belongs to the will is called good, and what belongs to the understanding is called truth.

Latin(1748-1756) 10291

10291. `Accipe tibi aromata fragrantia': quod significet affectiones veri ex bono, quae erunt in cultu Divino, constat ex significatione aromatum' quod sint perceptiones et affectiones veri et boni, de qua n. 10,254; quod sit quae erunt in cultu Divino, est quia per `suffimentum,' quod ex illis conficiebatur, significatur cultus Divinus, de quo in sequentibus. Aromata quae nunc memorantur, prorsus alius generis sunt quam aromata ex quibus oleum unctionis parabatur, de quibus supra in vers. 23, 24; {1}vocantur etiam illa aromata, (d)sed in lingua originali exprimuntur alia voce; illa aromata ex quibus oleum unctionis parabatur significant similiter perceptiones et affectiones veri et boni, sicut haec aromata, sed cum differentia quod illa vera pertineant ad classem caelestem, haec autem ad classem spiritualem; quod illa vera ad classem caelestem pertineant, videatur n. 10,254; quod haec vera ad classem spiritualem, videbitur in sequentibus. [2] Quid sit pertinere ad classem caelestem, et quid ad classem spiritualem, adhuc paucis dicetur: saepius dictum est quod caelum {2}distinctum sit in regnum caeleste et in regnum spirituale; in utroque regno differunt vera sicut bona; bonum regni caelestis est bonum amoris in Dominum, et bonum regni spiritualis est bonum charitatis erga proximum; omne bonum habet sua vera, bonum caeleste sua et bonum spirituale sua, quae prorsus inter se differunt; differentia qualis {3}est, constare potest ex illis quae de utroque {4} regno in locis citatis n. 9277 ostensa sunt. [3] Quod omne bonum habeat sua vera, est quia bonum formatur per vera, videatur n. 10,252, 10,266, et quoque se manifestat per vera; se habent illa sicut apud hominem voluntarium et intellectuale; voluntarium ejus formatur per intellectuale, et quoque {5}se manifestat per illud; quod voluntatis est vocatur bonum, et quod intellectus vocatur verum. @1 vocabantur$ @2 in bina Regna distinctum sit,$ @3 sit$ @4 i illo$ @5 se sistit videndum$

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