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属天的奥秘 第10361节



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Potts(1905-1910) 10361

10361. For this is holy to you. That this signifies that from this are all the good and truth which make the church, is evident from the signification of "holy," as being all that, and only that, which proceeds from the Lord (see n. 9479, 9680, 9820), thus the good of love and the truth of faith, for these are what proceed from the Lord. That these make the church with men, and heaven with the angels, can be seen from the fact that love and faith are the essentials of the church, because they conjoin men and angels with the Lord; the good of love conjoining their will, and the truth of faith their understanding; thus all that appertains to them.

Elliott(1983-1999) 10361

10361. 'For it is holy to you' means the Source of all the goodness and truth which compose the Church. This is clear from the meaning of 'that which is holy' as all that and that alone which emanates from the Lord, dealt with in 9479, 9680, 9820, thus the good of love and the truth of faith since these are what emanate from the Lord. The fact that these compose the Church in the case of men, and heaven in the case of angels, becomes clear from the consideration that love and faith are the essentials of the Church because they join men and angels to the Lord, the good of love causing their will to be joined and the truth of faith their understanding, and so bringing all that is in them into union.

Latin(1748-1756) 10361

10361. `Quia sanctum hoc vobis': quod significet inde omne bonum et verum quae faciunt Ecclesiam, constat ex significatione `sancti' quod sit omne id et solum id quod procedit (c)ex Domino, de qua n. 9479, 9680, 9820, ita bonum amoris et verum fidei, nam haec sunt quae procedunt a Domino; quod illa faciant Ecclesiam apud {1}homines, et caelum apud {2}angelos, constare potest ex eo quod amor et fides sint essentialia Ecclesiae, {3} quia illa conjungunt {1}homines et {2}angelos Domino, bonum amoris voluntarium {4}eorum, (c)ac verum fidei intellectuale {4}eorum, ita {5}omnia eorum. @1 hominem$ @2 angelum$ @3 i ac essentialia sunt,$ @4 ejus$ @5 totum hominem, nam homo et angelus non sunt nisi quam suum bonum et verum, n. 10298$

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