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属天的奥秘 第1076节



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New Century Edition

[NCE]1076. The symbolism of Ham as the church corrupted can be seen from the things said about him previously [1062-1063]. A religion is called corrupted when it acknowledges the Word and engages in a kind of worship resembling that of a true religion but still detaches faith from charity and so from its essential quality and its life. In consequence, faith becomes a dead thing, and in consequence, the religion is inevitably corrupted.
What the people of such a religion turn into can be seen from the fact that they cannot possibly have any conscience. No conscience exists that actually is conscience except one that grows out of charity. Charity — or rather the Lord working through charity — is what creates conscience. What else is conscience but refusing to wrong anyone in any way, that is, doing right by everyone in every way? So conscience is a matter of charity and never a matter of faith detached from charity. If the people mentioned do have any conscience, it is a distorted one (concerning which, see above [977:1, 1033]). And since they lack conscience, they plunge into every sort of wickedness, so far as external restraints fall away.
[2] As a matter of fact, they do not even know what charity is, only that it is a word with some meaning or other. And because they lack charity, they also do not know what faith is. When asked, they can only answer that it is a form of thought, some saying that it is trust, others that it is religious knowledge, few that it is a life according to that knowledge, and hardly any that it is a life of charity, or mutual love. If you tell them this and give them a chance to think about it, their only response is that all love begins with oneself and that those who fail to take care of themselves and their own are worse than heathens. Accordingly they pursue their own interest and worldly advantages exclusively. The result is that they live a life of self-absorption. (The nature of human selfhood has already been described several times before).{*1} These are the people referred to as Ham.

{*1} For a few of the many passages that describe human selfhood, see 147-150, 154, 987, 1044, 1049. [LHC]

Potts(1905-1910) 1076

1076. That "Ham" signifies the church corrupted, is evident from what has been said before about Ham. A church is said to be corrupted when it acknowledges the Word and has a certain worship like that of a true church, but yet separates faith from charity, thus from its essential and from its life, whereby faith becomes a kind of dead affair; the result of which necessarily is that the church is corrupted. What the men of the church then become, is evident from the consideration that they can have no conscience; for conscience that is really conscience cannot possibly exist except from charity. Charity is what makes conscience, that is, the Lord through charity. What else is conscience than not to do evil to anyone in anyway; that is, to do well to all in every way? Thus conscience belongs to charity, and never to faith separated from charity. If such persons have any conscience, it is a false conscience (concerning which see above); and because they are without conscience, they rush into all wickedness, so far as outward bonds are relaxed. They do not even know what charity is, except that it is a word significant of something. And as they are without charity, they do not know what faith is. When questioned, they can only answer that it is a kind of thinking; some, that it is confidence; others, that it is the knowledges of faith; a few, that it is life according to these knowledges, and scarcely any that it is a life of charity or of mutual love. And if this is said to them, and opportunity is given them for reflection, they answer only that all love begins from self, and that he is worse than a heathen who does not take care of himself and his own family. They therefore study nothing but themselves and the world. Hence it comes to pass that they live in their Own, the nature of which has been described before. These are they who are called "Ham."

Elliott(1983-1999) 1076

1076. That 'Ham' means the corrupted Church is clear from what has been stated already about 'Ham'. A Church is called corrupted which acknowledges the Word and has a certain worship similar to that of the true Church but nevertheless separates faith from charity, and so separates it from its essential element and very life. As a consequence faith becomes a thing that is dead, with the result that the Church is inevitably corrupted. What kind of people its members become is made clear by the fact that they cannot possibly have any conscience; for conscience that is truly conscience never exists unless it derives from charity. Charity is what makes conscience, that is, the Lord does so by means of charity. What is conscience but not doing wrong to anyone in any way at all, or doing well to everybody in every possible way? So conscience is an attribute of charity and never of faith separated from charity. If such persons do have any conscience it is a false conscience, about which see what has appeared already. And because they are devoid of conscience they rush into everything unspeakable, so far as external restraints are removed.

[2] Nor indeed do these people know what charity is, but only that it is a word having some meaning. And being devoid of charity they do not know what faith is. When questioned they can only reply that it is a sort of thought Some reply that it is trust, others that it is cognitions of faith. A few say that it is living according to those cognitions, while scarcely any say that it is the life of charity, that is, of mutual love. And if they are told this and are given the opportunity to reflect, their only reply is that all love begins from self, and that anyone who does not consider his own interests and his family's is worse than a heathen. Consequently they are concerned about nothing but themselves and the world. This leads to their living in the proprium, the nature of which has been described frequently already. These are the people who are called 'Ham'.

Latin(1748-1756) 1076

1076. 'Ham': quod significet Ecclesiam corruptam, constat ex illis quae prius de Ham dicta sunt; Ecclesia corrupta dicitur qua Verbum agnoscit et cultum quendam verae Ecclesiae similem habet sed usque separat fidem a charitate, ita a suo essentiali et a sua vita inde fides fit quaedam res mortua, inde non potest aliter esse quam Ecclesia corrupta: quales fiunt, inde constare potest quod nusquam aliquam conscientiam habere possint; conscientia enim quae conscientia, nusquam datur nisi ex charitate, charitas est quae facit conscientiam, hoc est, Dominus per charitatem. Quid conscientia quam non alicui malam facere quocumque modo, seu omnibus bene facere quocumque modo? ita conscientia est charitatis, nusquam fidei separatae a charitate; si aliqua iis conscientia, est conscientia falsa, de qua videatur prius; et quia absque conscientia in omne nefas ruunt, quantum vincula externa iis remittuntur: [2] immo nec sciunt quid charitas, solum quod sit vox significans aliquid; et quia absque charitate sunt, nec sciunt quid fides; cum interrogantur, non possunt aliter respondere quam quod sit cogitatio quaedam; quidam quod sit confidentia; alii quod sint cognitiones fidei; pauci quod sit vita secundum cognitiones, et vix ulli quod sit vita charitatis seu amoris mutui; sique hoc iis dicitur, et datur iis copia reflectendi, non aliter respondent quam quod omnis amor incipiat a se, et quod pejor ethnico sit qui sibi et suis non consulit; quare nihil nisi quam sibi student ac mundo. Inde fit, quod in proprio vivant; quod quale est, prius aliquoties descriptam est; hi sunt qui vocantur 'Ham.'

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