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属天的奥秘 第10779节



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Potts(1905-1910) 10779

10779. To be led to happiness in the world by means of his skill, appears to the man as if it were done from his own sagacity. Nevertheless the Divine Providence continually accompanies by permitting and by constantly withdrawing from evil. But to be led to happiness in heaven is known and perceived not to be of man's own sagacity, because it is from the Lord, and is effected from his Divine providence by disposing and continually leading to good.

Elliott(1983-1999) 10779

10779. It seems to a person, when led to happiness in the world by the use of artful designs, as though the attainment of it is attributable to his own prudence; nevertheless Divine Providence is his constant companion, permitting him to do what he does, yet continually leading him away from evil. But when led to happiness in heaven a person sees and recognizes that it is not attributable to his own prudence, since it comes from the Lord and is brought about by the activity of His Divine Providence, bringing him into a proper state of mind and continually leading him on to good.

Latin(1748-1756) 10779

10779. {1} Duci ad felicia in mundo per artes apparet homini sicut quod fit ex propria prudentia, sed usque jugiter comitatur Divina Providentia permittendo et continue abducendo a malo; at duci ad felicia in caelo scitur et percipitur quod non sit ex propria prudentia, quia ex Domino, et fit ex Divina Ipsius Providentia disponendo et continue ducendo ad bonum. @1 10,778$

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