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属天的奥秘 第10802节



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Potts(1905-1910) 10802

10802. The royalty consists in administering according to the laws of the kingdom, and in judging from justice according to these laws. The king who regards the laws as above him, consequently himself as below the laws, is wise; but he who regards himself as above the laws, consequently the laws as beneath him, is not wise.

Elliott(1983-1999) 10802

10802. Monarchy consists in government exercised in keeping with the laws of the kingdom and in judicial decisions made in keeping with those laws and from a sense of what is just. The monarch who considers the laws to be superior to himself, consequently himself to be subject to them, is wise; but the one who considers himself to be superior to the laws, consequently the laws to be subject to himself, is stupid.

Latin(1748-1756) 10802

10802. Regium consistit in administrando secundum leges regni et in judicando secundum illas ex justo; rex qui spectat leges supra se, consequenter se infra illas, is sapit; qui autem spectat se supra leges, consequenter leges infra se, is non sapit.

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