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属天的奥秘 第1188节



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New Century Edition

[NCE]1188. The symbolism of Nineveh as the false elements of the doctrines and of Rehoboth and Calah as the same things from a different source can be seen from the symbolism of Nineveh in the Word, which will be discussed just below.
Falsities of this kind come from three sources:
1. Illusions of the senses, the darkness of an unenlightened intellect, and ignorance. (Falsity from this source is Nineveh.)
2. The same causes, but with some corrupt desire dominating, such as an eagerness to innovate or to be superior to others. (Falsity from this source is Rehoboth.)
3. The will, and so our cravings; specifically, the refusal to recognize the truth of any idea that does not cater to our cravings. (Falsity from this source is Calah.)
All of these kinds of falsity come into existence through Assyria, or sophistic reasoning about the true ideas and good effects of faith.
[2] The symbolism of Nineveh as falsity rising out of sensory illusions, darkness in an unenlightened intellect, and ignorance can be seen in the book of Jonah. Jonah was sent to Nineveh to pardon the city's people for being of this type. The symbolism can also be seen in the individual statements about Nineveh in Jonah. These ideas will be dealt with elsewhere, by the Lord's divine mercy.{*1} The narrative there is historical, but it is still prophetic too, harboring and representing as it does the same kinds of hidden meanings as all the other historical parts of the Word.
[3] The same is true in Isaiah 37:37-38 as well, where it talks about Assyria's king, saying that he stayed in Nineveh and while prostrating himself in the house of Nisroch, his god, was struck by his sons with a sword. Although these particulars are historical, they are still prophetic, harboring and representing as they do the same kinds of hidden meanings. Nineveh here symbolizes an outward show of worship that has false notions at its core; and because this kind of worship is idolatrous, the king was struck by his sons with a sword. Sons are false notions, as already shown [1147], and a sword is the punishment that falsity carries with it (which is its meaning everywhere in the Word).
[4] In Zephaniah, too:
Jehovah will stretch his hand out over the north and destroy Assyria, and he will turn Nineveh into a desolation, into drought like the desert. And flocks will lie down in its midst, every wild animal of that nation; the spoonbill and the harrier will also spend the night among its pomegranates.{*2} A voice will sing in the window. Devastation is at the threshold, because he has stripped its cedar bare. (Zephaniah 2:13-14)
This describes Nineveh (in a writing mode typical of the prophets) and also the falsity symbolized by Nineveh. Because this falsity is worshiped, it is called the north, the wild animal of the nation, and a spoonbill and harrier among the pomegranates. The idea is also expressed in the statement that a voice sings in the window and the cedar — truth in the intellect — is stripped bare. All these expressions are symbolic of this kind of falsity.

{*1} There is no detailed treatment of Nineveh's part in the story of Jonah elsewhere in Secrets of Heaven. Swedenborg does, however, discuss this in Revelation Explained (Swedenborg 1994-1997a) 401:36. [LHC, JSR]
{*2} These pomegranates are doubtless a synecdoche for the carved capitals of the buildings of Nineveh, which were decorated with reliefs of pomegranates. Compare 1 Kings 7:18, 20, 42; 2 Kings 25:17; 2 Chronicles 3:16; 4:13; Jeremiah 52:22-23. For other instances of pomegranates as a decorative motif, see Exodus 28:33-34; 39:25-26. [SS]

Potts(1905-1910) 1188

1188. That falsities of doctrine are signified by "Nineveh," and such things also from another origin by "Rehoboth and Calah," is evident from the signification of Nineveh in the Word, concerning which presently. Falsities of this kind are from three origins. The first is from the fallacies of the senses in the obscurity of an unenlightened understanding, and from ignorance; hence comes the falsity which is "Nineveh." The second origin is from the same cause, but with a predominant cupidity, such as that for innovation, or for pre-eminence: the falsities from this origin are "Rehoboth." The third origin is from the will and thus from cupidities, in that men are unwilling to acknowledge anything as truth that does not favor their cupidities; hence come the falsities which are called "Calah." All these falsities arise through Asshur, or reasonings concerning the truths and goods of faith. [2] That "Nineveh" signifies falsities from the fallacies of the senses in the obscurity of an unenlightened understanding, and from ignorance, is evident in Jonah, who was sent to Nineveh, which city was pardoned because they were such, and from the particulars in Jonah concerning Nineveh, of which by the Divine mercy of the Lord in another place. The particulars there are historical, and yet prophetical, involving and representing such arcana, as do all the other historicals of the Word. [3] Likewise in Isaiah, where it is said of the king of Asshur that he remained in Nineveh, and that when he bowed himself in the house of Nisroch his god, his sons slew him with the sword (37:37, 38). Although these things are historical, yet they are prophetical, involving and representing similar arcana; and here by "Nineveh" is signified external worship in which there are falsities; and because this was idolatrous he was slain by his sons with the sword. "Sons" are falsities, as has been shown before; "the sword" is the punishment of falsity, as everywhere in the Word. [4] In Zephaniah also:

Jehovah will stretch forth His hand upon the north, and will destroy Asshur, and will make Nineveh a desolation, a dryness like the wilderness. And flocks shall lie down in the midst of her, every wild beast of his kind, the cormorant and the bittern also shall pass the night in the pomegranates thereof, a voice shall sing in the windows, wasteness upon the threshold, for he hath laid bare its cedar (Zeph. 2:13-14). Nineveh is here described, but in the prophetic style, and the falsity itself which is signified by Nineveh. This falsity, because it is worshiped, is called "the north, the wild beast of his kind, the cormorant and the bittern in the pomegranates," and is described by "a voice singing in the windows," and by "laying bare the cedar," which is intellectual truth. All these expressions are significative of such falsity.

Elliott(1983-1999) 1188

1188. 'Nineveh' means falsities contained in those teachings, as do 'Rehoboth and Calah' though falsities from a different source. This is clear from the meaning of 'Nineveh' in the Word, dealt with below. Falsities of this kind arise from three sources. The first source is the illusions of the senses - when the understanding, being in obscurity, is unenlightened - and also ignorance. This is the source of the falsity meant by 'Nineveh'. The second source is the same, but with some predominating desire present, for innovation or pre-eminence. This is the source of the falsities meant by Rehoboth. And the third is that of the will, and so of evil desires. In this case people are unwilling to acknowledge anything as true except that which is favorable to evil desires. This is the source of the falsities called Calah. All of these falsities arise through Asshur, or reasonings concerning the truths and goods of faith.

[2] That 'Nineveh' means falsities arising from the illusions of the senses when the understanding, being in obscurity, is unenlightened, and also from ignorance, is clear in the case of Jonah, who was sent to Nineveh, a city that was pardoned because they were such. It is clear also from the facts recorded in the Book of Jonah regarding Nineveh, which will in the Lord's Divine mercy be discussed elsewhere. Though the details there are historical they are nevertheless prophetical, embodying and representing such arcana, in the way every other historical part of the Word does.

[3] Similarly in Isaiah, when the king of Asshur is referred to as remaining in Nineveh, and, when he bowed down in the house of Nisroch his god, is referred to as slain by his sons with a sword, Isa 37:37, 38. Although these details are historical they are nevertheless prophetical, embodying and representing arcana of a like nature. 'Nineveh' in this case means external worship that has falsities within it which, being idolatrous, 'is slain by his sons with a sword', 'sons' meaning falsities, as shown already. 'A sword' is the punishment of falsity, as everywhere else in the Word. In Zephaniah also,

Jehovah will stretch out His hand over the north, and will destroy Asshur, and He will make Nineveh a desolation, a dry waste like a desert. Flocks will lie down in the midst of her, every wild beast of that nation. The spoonbill also and the duck will lodge in its pomegranates.a A voice will sing in the window, vastation will be on the threshold, for her cedar has been laid bare. Zeph 2:13, 14.

This describes Nineveh, though in the prophetical style, and falsity itself meant by 'Nineveh'. Because that falsity is worshipped it is called 'the north, a wild beast of the nation, the spoonbill and the duck in pomegranates' and is expressed as 'a voice singing in the window and a cedar laid bare', which is intellectual truth. Every one of these expressions is used to mean such falsity.


a The original Hebrew word is thought to describe capitals shaped like pomegranates.

Latin(1748-1756) 1188

1188. Quod per 'Niniven' significentur doctrinalium falsa, per 'Rehoboth et Calah' quoque talia ex alia origine, constat ex significatione 'Ninives' in Verbo, de qua mox: falsa hujus generis dantur a tribus originibus: Prima est ex fallaciis sensuum, obscuritate intellectus quod non illustratus, et ex ignorantia, inde falsitas quae est 'Niniveh': Altera origo est ex eadem causa sed praedominante cupidine, ut vel innovandi vel praeeminendi, falsa inde sunt 'Rehoboth': Tertia origo est voluntatis, ita cupiditatum, quod non aliud agnoscere velint pro vero quam quod cupiditatibus favet, inde falsa quae vocantur 'Calah.': omnia haec falsa existunt per 'Asshur' seu ratiocinia de veris et bonis fidei. [2] Quod 'Niniveh' significet falsa ex fallaciis sensuum, obscuritate intellectus quod non illustratus, exque ignorantia, constat apud Jonam, qui missus ad Niniven, cui urbi condonatum, quia tales; exque singulis apud Jonam de Ninive; de quibus, ex Divina Domini Misericordia, alibi; ibi sunt historica, sed usque prophetica, involventia et repraesentantia talia arcana, sicut omnia reliqua historica Verbi. [3] Similiter apud Esaiam, ubi de rege Asshuris, Quod manserit in Ninive, et cum incurvaret se in domo Nisroch dei sui, quod a filiis percussus gladio, xxxvii 37, 38;

haec tametsi sunt historica, usque sunt prophetica, involventia et repraesentantia similia arcana, et ibi per 'Niniven' significatur cultus externus in quo falsa, qui quia idololatricus, 'percussus est a filiis gladio'; 'filii' sunt falsa, ut prius ostensum; 'gladius' est falsi poena, ut ubivis in Verbo: etiam apud Zephaniam, [4] Jehovah extendet manum Suam super septentrionem, et perdet Asshurem, et ponet Niniven in desolationem, siccitatem sicut desertum; et cubabunt in medio ejus greges, omnis fera ejus gentis; etiam platea et anataria in malogranatis ejus pernoctabunt, vox cantabit in fenestra, vastitas in limine, quia cedrum ejus denudavit, ii 13, 14;

hic describitur Niniveh, sed stilo prophetico, et ipsa falsitas quae significatur per 'Niniven'; falsitas ea quia colitur, vocatur 'septentrio, fera gentis, platea et anataria in malogranatis,' et exprimitur per quo 'vox cantet in fenestra, et denudetur cedrus,' quae est intellectuale verum; omnes hae expressiones sunt significativae talis falsitatis.

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