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属天的奥秘 第1437节



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New Century Edition

[NCE]1437. The meaning of they left to go into the land of Canaan as the fact that by these means he would press on all the way to the heavenly aspects of love can be seen from the symbolism of the land of Canaan. The land of Canaan represents the Lord's kingdom in the heavens and on earth, as the Word reveals in many places.{*1} The reason for the connection is that the land of Canaan saw the establishment of the representative church, in which everything in general and particular represented the Lord and the heavenly and spiritual elements of his kingdom. It was not just their rituals that had a representative meaning but everything connected with ritual as well 钬?the people who ministered, the tools of their ministry, and the places where they carried it out. Because the representative church was there, the land was called the Holy Land, even though it was anything but holy, since profane idolaters lived there. This, then, is why the land of Canaan here and in what follows symbolizes the heavenly qualities of love. The heavenly qualities of love are all that the Lord's kingdom contains and all that it comprises.

{*1} On Swedenborg's treatment of Canaan, see note 2 in 搂1413. [Editors]

Potts(1905-1910) 1437

1437. And they went forth to go into the land of Canaan. That this signifies that He thus advanced to the celestial things of love, is evident from the signification of "the land of Canaan." That the land of Canaan represents the Lord's kingdom in the heavens and on earth, is evident from many things in the Word. The reason is that the Representative Church was instituted there, in which all things both in general and in particular represented the Lord and the celestial and spiritual things of His kingdom. Not only were the rites representative, but everything connected with them, as well the persons who ministered, as the things by which they ministered, and also the places of the ministration. As the Representative Church was there, the land was called the Holy Land, although it was anything but holy, for it was inhabited by the idolatrous and the profane. This then is the reason why by "the land of Canaan," here and in what follows, are signified the celestial things of love; for the celestial things of love, and these alone, are in the Lord's kingdom, and constitute His Kingdom.

Elliott(1983-1999) 1437

1437. 'They came out to go into the land of Canaan' means that in this manner He drew closer to the celestial things of love. This is clear from the meaning of 'the land of Canaan'. That 'the land of Canaan' represents the Lord's kingdom in heaven and on earth becomes clear from many things in the Word. The reason it does so is that the representative Church was established in that land, a Church in which every single thing represented the Lord and the celestial and spiritual things of His kingdom. This applied not only to religious observances but also to everything associated with those observances - to both the persons who ministered and to the things they administered, and even to the places where the ministrations took place because the representative Church was centred there the land was consequently called 'the Holy Land', even though it was anything but holy, seeing that idolaters and profaners inhabited it. This then is the reason why 'the land of Canaan' here and in what follows means the celestial things of love Indeed the celestial things of love, these alone, exist in the Lord's kingdom and constitute that kingdom

Latin(1748-1756) 1437

1437. Quod 'exiverunt ad eundum in terram Canaan' significet quod ita pergeret ad caelestia amoris, constat a significatione 'terrae Canaanis'; quod terra Canaan repraesentet regnum Domini in caelis et in terris, ex multis in Verbo constare potest; causa est quia ibi Ecclesia repraesentativa instituta est, in qua omnia et singula repraesentabant Dominum et Ipsius regni caelestia et spiritualia; nec solum ritus sed etiam omnia quae adjuncta ritibus, tam qui ministrabant quam per quae ministrabantur, etiam loca ubi ministratio; quia Ecclesia repraesentativa ibi, terra inde appellata fuit 'Terra Sancta,' tametsi nihil minus quam sancta fuit, quippe habitata ab idololatris et profanis; haec nunc causa est quod per 'terram Canaan' hic et in sequentibus significentur caelestia amoris; caelestia enim amoris sunt unice quae sunt in regno Domini et quae constituunt regnum Domini.

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