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属天的奥秘 第1505节



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New Century Edition

[NCE]1505. In addition, I learned how we acquire these auras, which become so tangible in the other world. To put it in comprehensible terms, take the example of people who have formed an opinion of themselves as superior to others. They eventually develop the habit and the instinct, so to speak, of focusing on themselves whenever they see other people or talk to them, wherever they go. They do so consciously at first and then unconsciously, so that they themselves become blind to it. Still, the habit governs every one of their gestures and words, just as it governs every one of their feelings and thoughts. This is something we are capable of noticing in others. Such a trait is what creates an aura in the next life, and others perceive the aura, but no more often than the Lord allows.
[2] The same is true with other attitudes as well. As a result, there are as many auras as there are moods and combinations of mood, which are countless. Our aura is like an image of ourselves projected outside us. In fact it is an image of everything inside us. What presents itself to view or to perception in the world of spirits, however, is only a general approximation. In heaven, on the other hand, our character is recognized in a more specific way. No one but the Lord, though, knows what we are like down to the smallest details.

Potts(1905-1910) 1505

1505. I have also been informed how these spheres, which in the other life become so perceptible to the senses, are acquired. Take as an example one who has formed a high opinion of himself and of his own preeminent excellence. He at last becomes imbued with such a habit, and as it were with such a nature, that wherever he goes, though he looks at others and speaks with them, he keeps himself in view; and this at first manifestly, but afterwards not manifestly, so that he is not aware of it; but still it is regnant, both in the particulars of his affection and thought, and in those of his bearing and speech. Men can see this in others. And this is the kind of thing that in the other life makes a sphere, which is perceived, but no more frequently than the Lord permits. The same is the case with other affections; and therefore there are as many spheres as there are affections and combinations of affections, which are innumerable. The sphere is as it were the man's image extended outside of himself, the image in fact of all things that are in him. In the world of spirits that which is presented to the view or perception is only something general; what the man is as to particulars, is known in heaven; but what as to the least particulars is known to none but the Lord.

Elliott(1983-1999) 1505

1505. I have also been informed about the way in which these spheres, which in the next life become so perceptible to the senses, are acquired. So that this information can be stated and understood, let a person be taken as an example who has adopted a high opinion of himself and of his superiority over others. Eventually he is permeated by a disposition and so to speak natural condition which are such that wherever he goes and there sees others and talks to them he is regardful of himself. At first the disposition exists manifestly, but after that does not, so that he is not aware of it; but it still reigns, not only in every detail of his affection and thought, but also in every detail of his bodily gestures and every detail of his utterances. People can see this in others, and it is such that it produces in the next life a sphere that is perceived, though only as often as the Lord allows. The same applies with other affections, and therefore just so many spheres exist as there are affections and combinations of affections, which are countless. The sphere is so to speak a person's image projecting outside of himself, and is in fact an image of all that resides within him. But that which is manifested in a visible or perceptible form in the world of spirits is merely something general, whereas in heaven the particular facets of the person's character are known. But nobody except the Lord alone knows the individual details of a person's character.

Latin(1748-1756) 1505

1505. Quomodo comparantur hae sphaerae, quae tam sensibiles fiunt in altera vita, etiam informatus sum; ut ad captum dicatur, sit pro exemplo, qui de semet suaque excellentia prae illis captavit opinionem: is imbuitur tandem tali habitu et quasi natura ut ubicumque vadit, et alios spectat, cumque iis loquitur, se intueatur; hoc primum manifeste, dein non manifeste ut is non sciat, sed usque regnat, sicut in singulis ejus affectionis et cogitationis, ita in singulis gestus et in singulis loquelae; hoc homines in aliis possunt videre; tale est quod facit sphaeram in altera vita quae percipitur, sed usque non saepius quam quoties Dominus concedit. Ita se habet cum aliis affectionibus, quare sphaerae totidem sunt quot affectiones, et quot affectionum compositiones, quae innumerabiles; est sphaera quasi imago ejus extensa extra illum, et quidem imago omnium quae apud illum; sed quod sistitur videndum aut percipiendum in mundo spirituum, est modo commune quid; qualis autem est quoad particularia, hoc noscitur in caelo; at qualis quoad singularia, nemo novit quam Dominus solus.

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