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属天的奥秘 第1796节



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New Century Edition

[NCE]1796. Is the Damascene Eliezer means outward religion, which follows now from the above. It also follows from the symbolism of a Damascene. Damascus was Syria's most important city. In it were remnants of the ancient church's worship, and from it came Eber, or the Hebrew nation, which had only the outward shell of a religion, as noted before (1238, 1241). So that nation merely managed the household.
These details contain something of the Lord's despair and so of his trials, as is clear from the words and also from the message of comfort concerning inward religion that follows.

Potts(1905-1910) 1796

1796. Is this Eliezer the Damascene. From what has just been said it is now evident that these words denote the external church; and the same appears from the signification of a "Damascene." Damascus was the principal city of Syria, where there were remains of the worship of the Ancient Church, and whence came Eber, or the Hebrew nation, with which there was nothing but the external of the church (as before said, n. 1238, 1241), thus nothing but the stewardship of the house. That there is in these words something of despair, and consequently of the Lord's temptation, is evident from the words themselves, and also from the consolation that follows respecting the internal church.

Elliott(1983-1999) 1796

1796. 'This Damascene, Eliezer' is the external Church. This is clear from what has just been stated, and also from the meaning of 'Damascene'. Damascus was the chief city of Syria where remnants of the worship of the Ancient Church existed, and from where Heber, or the Hebrew nation, came with whom none but the external dimension of the Church existed, as stated already in 1238, 1241. Thus no more then 'the stewardship of the house' existed with the nation. That within these words there is something of despair, and consequently of the Lord's temptation, is evident from the words themselves, and also from the comfort which follows concerning the internal Church.

Latin(1748-1756) 1796

1796. 'Is Damascenus Eliezer': quod sit externa Ecclesia, exinde nunc constat, tum ex significatione 'Damasceni'; Damascus fuit urbs principalis Syriae ubi reliquiae cultus Ecclesiae Antiquae fuerunt; et unde Heberus seu gens Hebraea, apud quam non nisi quam externum Ecclesiae fuit, ut prius dictum n. 1238, 1241, ita ibi non nisi quam 'procuratio domus.' Quod in his sit aliquid desperationis proinde tentationis Domini, patet ex verbis, tum ex consolatione, quae sequitur de Ecclesia interna.

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