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属天的奥秘 第1847节



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New Century Edition

[NCE]1847. Four hundred years means however long the trials would last and what conditions would be like then. This can be seen from the symbolism of four hundred, which symbolizes the same thing as forty: how long trials last and what conditions are like then, as discussed at 730, 862. The number forty in the Word depicts fairly short or fairly long spans of tribulation.
On a literal level these words have to do with the length of time the children of Jacob spent in Egypt. It was 430 years, as can be seen in Exodus 12:40 (although this period began not with Jacob's arrival in Egypt but with Abram's stay there, as noted earlier).{*1} The time is referred to as 430 years because this number implies times of trial, which is what their enslavement in Egypt represented, as did their later afflictions for forty years in the wilderness.

{*1} On Abram's time in Egypt, see 1502:1, note 1 in 1502, and Genesis 12:9-20. [LHC]

Potts(1905-1910) 1847

1847. Four hundred years. That this signifies the duration and state, namely, of the temptations, is evident from the signification of "four hundred," which number signifies the same as "forty," namely, the durations and states of temptations (see n. 730, 862). The durations of temptations, both the shorter and the more lasting, are described in the Word by "forty." In the literal sense the words before us relate to the stay of the sons of Jacob in Egypt; and that this was four hundred and thirty years is evident from Exodus 12:40; though the time was not so great as reckoned from Jacob's coming into Egypt, but it was reckoned from Abram's sojourn there, as has been observed before. The number four hundred and thirty is mentioned, from Abram's sojourn, for the reason that this number involves the temptations which they represented by their servitude in Egypt, and afterwards also by the forty years' afflictions in the wilderness.

Elliott(1983-1999) 1847

1847. 'For four hundred years' means the duration and state, that is, of the temptations. This is clear from the meaning of 'four hundred', a number which has the same meaning as forty, that is to say, the durations and the states of temptations, dealt with in 730, 862. In the Word the durations of temptations, whether brief or extended, are described by 'forty'. In the literal sense these words have regard to the length of time the sons of Jacob were in Egypt, which, as is clear from Exod 12:40, was four hundred and thirty years, although this great length of time, as has been noted already, was measured not from the time of Jacob's arrival in Egypt but from the time of Abram's sojourning there. Four hundred and thirty was measured from the latter event because this number embodies the temptations which were represented by their slavery in Egypt, and also after that by the afflictions they endured for forty years in the wilderness.

Latin(1748-1756) 1847

1847. 'Quadringentis annis': quod significet durationem et statum nempe tentationum, constat a significatione (x)'quadringentorum' qui numerus idem significat ac quadraginta, nempe tentationum durationes et status, de qua n. 730, 862; tentationum durationes breviores et diuturniores per 'quadraginta' in Verbo describuntur. In sensu litterali spectant haec durationem filiorum Jacobi in Aegypto, quae quod fuerit triginta et quadringentorum annorum, constat Exod. xii 40, tametsi duratio tanta non fuerit ab adventu Jacobi in Aegyptum sed a peregrinatione Abrami ibi, ut prius observatum; ab hac triginta et quadringenti dictum quia numerus hic involvit tentationes, quas repraesentabant per servitutem in Aegypto, tum postea per quadraginta annorum afflictiones in deserto.

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